Part 5 // Welcome to Hogwarts!

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"Welcome first years, and welcome back to our returning students." The headmaster welcomes everyone.

"Let us have the new first years get sorted. We also have a new fifth year, Alexis Hart. She will also come to the front and be sorted." Professor McGonagall waves us to the front.

"Good luck. Hope you get Gryffindor! Anything but Slytherin honestly." Hermione whispers.

I squeeze her hand. "I bet I'm Gryffindor!" I assure her.

I walk up to the sorting hat, as I was instructed.

I sit on the stool awkwardly. I see Draco look at me and mouth the words. "It'll be Slytherin."

I nod vaguely and smile.

The sorting hat gets placed a top my head. I don't know which to hope for. Slytherin or Gryffindor. Maybe I won't get either.

"Gryffindor!" It calls out. I sigh in relief. The table erupts into cheers.

I go sit next to Hermione and Ron.

"I'm glad you're Gryffindor." Harry tells me and the others nod in agreement.

After the first years are sorted, and lots of cheers, food appears on the tables with snap of Professor McGonagall's fingers.

We eat, and I have to admit. The food is a lot better than I expected it to be.

"This food is so good!" I exclaim.

"I told you!" Ron says.

Hermione laughs as she daintily cuts her food and places it in her mouth slowly, while Ron shoves it in.


After we finish eating, I go collect my Gryffindor robes from Professor McGonagall. I put my robes on and run out of the Great Hall to catch up with my friends.

We sit in the Gryffindor common room and Hermione cracks open a book.

"Reading already, Mione?" Ron asks playfully and kisses her.

"Shut up Ronald." But she accepts the kiss.

"I'm going to bed." Harry yawns and grabs his stuff. He walks up to the boys dormitory.

"So. Which house did you think you were going to get?" Ron asks me.

"I had a suspicion I would get Gryffindor. But I was also thinking Slytherin."

"Good thing you aren't in Slytherin."

"Yeah." I agree. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed also.

"Me too." Ginny says. We go up to the girls dormitory.

"So, Ron and Hermione. My brother and my best friend. It's fine as long as they don't snog each other in public."

I laugh.

I pull on my pajamas and sleep easily in the comfort of this warm bed.

The next morning I wake up early and head downstairs to sit and read a new book I bought.

I walk down the stairs, still in my pajamas and I see Hermione sleeping with a book open on the couch we were sitting in yesterday. She must've fell asleep reading.

I gently nudge her. "Mione. Hermione!"

"Oh, Lexie! Erm, what time is it?" She asks.

"It's 6:00." I tell her. "A.m." I add.

"Shit. I fell asleep here then."


"Well, it's time for me to wake up anyways. So, is Ginny okay with me and Ron? I mean, Ron being her brother."

"Yeah. She said as long as you two don't snog each other in public."

"Okay. I'll try." And we share a laugh.

"So. What do you think. Harry asking Ginny or vice versa?" I ask.

"Definitely Harry."

At that moment Harry walks down, in a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Definitely me what?"

"Whether you would ask Ginny out or vice versa." I say.

"Wh- I don't like Ginny!"

"You definitely do. I saw how you looked at her on the train, and during dinner, and last night. Ask her out! She likes you." I say.

"She likes me still? But I have to ask Ron. You know how mad he got when Ginny started dating all those boys..."

"But you and Ron are best friends! It'll be fine, after all he did say he'd rather you date Ginny than any of those other boys." Hermione says.

"I guess...I'll ask her after dinner." He decides.

"I'm going to go wake up Ronald." Hermione tells us and goes up to the boys dormitory.

"Is she allowed to go up there?" I ask.

"No." He says.

"But she does it anyways?"

"Everyday. She says it's very important to be awake early. But she never wakes up Ginny."

A few minutes later we see Hermione pulling Ron down the stairs.

"It's so early." He complains.

"Oh shut up Ronald." She pushes him onto the couch and she sits next to him.

"Good morning!" Ginny brightly says, walking down the stairs.

"Morning." Ron greets her.

Ginny is dressed in a green top and jeans. We have school but I guess she decided to wear normal clothes in the morning.

"You look like a Slytherin." Ron looks her up and down.

"Just because I'm wearing green doesn't mean I'm a Slytherin." She rolls her eyes.

"We have to go get our robes on anyways." Hermione says and walks up to the girls dormitory. Ginny and I follow.

We finish changing and meet the boys as we walk to classes.

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now