Part 19 // The New Years Party

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It's New Years Eve, the day of the New Years party.

In the morning, Draco and I sleep in. When we wake, we just lay in bed and watch more FRIENDS.

I've got Draco interested in FRIENDS. He loves just laying in bed and watching it with me.

"C'mon, we have to get up." Draco says, after a few episodes.

I groan.

"We have the New Years Party! We've got to get ready." He insists.

He grabs my hand and helps me out of bed. My leg still hurts.

He leaves and goes to get his outfit on. I put mine on. It's the dress Draco got for me.

(A/N: Do you guys like it? I made it :D/Also I know she can't really wear heels since she broke her leg but we'll pretend she can)

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(A/N: Do you guys like it? I made it :D/Also I know she can't really wear heels since she broke her leg but we'll pretend she can)

I get my crutches and stand up, walking down the hall to go find Draco.

He looks really handsome in his dress robes.

"You look beautiful." He says, kissing me.

"You look very handsome." I reply.

He helps me down the stairs, and our moms gasp.

"Oh, you both look amazing!" My mom says, hugging me. Narcissa hugs Draco and whispers something to him also.

Narcissa helps us set up the Floo network, and we bid goodbye.

We step into the fire.

"The Burrow." I throw the powder on the ground, and I am transported to the Weasley's house.

It's a weird looking house, tipped over, layered very tall. It's a funky shape, each floor going a different direction.

Draco appears behind me, and he helps me get to the house.

"Oh, you must be Lexie! It's a pleasure to meet you." A short, plump, red haired woman runs over with her arms out, pulling me into a hug. "I'm Mrs. Weasley, but you can call me Molly."

"It's nice to meet you Molly. This is my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy."

"Oh Draco! It's nice to see that Ron and his friends finally get a long with you."

"Lex!" Hermione comes into the room. She runs over. "What happened to your leg?" She asks, looking at my bandaged leg and crutches.

"I broke it, at my competition."

"Is Lexie here?" I hear a voice call from all the way up the stairs. I look up and see Ginny on the top floor.

"She's here!" Hermione says.

Ginny appears at the bottom of the stairs.

"Lex! What happened?" She looks at my leg.

"Broke it."

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now