Part 3 // Romione/You Can't Have Him!

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I walk back to the car, and nibble on a chocolate frog.

"What took you so long?" Ginny asks when I step into the small but cozy room.

"You've been gone for 30 minutes." Harry says.

"Sorry, I um..." I decide whether or not to tell them about Draco. "I couldn't decide which snacks to get, there were to many good options!" I quickly think of.

"You're right." Ron says through his mouthful of chocolate frogs.

I feed Clem some cat treats, and then she walks around on everyone's legs and loves the attention she gets from doing so. Ron and Hermione take up a liking to Clementine, but not as much as Ginny. Ginny loves her. Harry doesn't seem so interested in her.

I notice Harry watching Ginny with a look that made me think he likes her. Ron also looked at Hermione like that too, but less subtly.

"I have to go to the bathroom. Can one of you show me where it is?" I ask the girls.

Hermione volunteers, and Ginny lets her.


Hermione brings me to the girls lavatory in the back of the train and I ask her questions.

"Do you like Ron?"

She blushes and shys away from my questions.

"I take that as a yes." I note.

She giggles. "I like him a tad. Ever since second year really. I think he's liked me since first though!" She squeals.

"You should ask him out." I tell her.

"Maybe." She turns a shade of red.

"Does Harry like Ginny?"

"More of Ginny liking Harry, but he has taken quite a fancy to her this summer."

"Hmm, maybe I should just play the matchmaker then."

"Maybe you should!"

"On the topic of boys, I met a nice and really cute boy who paid for my candies earlier."

"Who!?" She exclaims.

I can tell me and Hermione will be very close, and that she wouldn't spoil my secret to anyone. "His name is Draco, he said he's in Slytherin." I whisper in her ear.

"Draco? Oh no. He is really mean! He bullies Harry, Ron, Ginny, and I. Stay away from him. He's bad."

"Really? He seemed nice enough..." I say in a sad tone.

"Trust me. He's not."

"Okay, well back to you and Ron. Let me do your hair, and then you should ask him out!"

"Oh, fine. Don't change it to much, please." She asks, biting her lip.

"Okay." I agree.


We walk back to the train car with Hermione's hair looking wonderful. I changed it from bushy to free and curly. She looks much better, but not that different of a style.

I open the car door and we go sit down.

"Hermione, your hair looks, erm, nice." Ron attempts to compliment her.

"Thank you Ronald."

"Erm, do you maybe...wanna go to Hogsmeade with me on the first trip?" Ron asks quickly.

Hermione smiles. "As a date?"

"Well, only if you want it to be..."

"Yes, but that's a long wait, how about dinner together, on Friday." Hermione says confidently.

"S-sure! Erm, Harry, I'm hungry, aren't you? Let's go get something from the food cart. Anyone else want anything?"

"I want-" Ginny begins.

"Not you Gin." He rolls his eyes.

"I would like some water." Hermione says.

"Okay. Just water. Um, let's go." He rushes out and Harry follows.


"Blimey! Ron asked you out before you asked him." I exclaim.

"Oh my goodness, wow." Hermione shakes her hands out.

"That was rude of him not to take my order!" Ginny humphs.

"Not important right now Ginny!" I glare at her.

"Right, Ron asked you out!!" She squeals, me and Hermione joining her.

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now