Part 16 // Christmas Eve

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Lexie's POV:
It's Christmas Eve morning. Me and Draco haven't gone Christmas shopping yet, so we need to do that today.

Since we don't have any Muggle money, my mum gives us some.

My sister is going to the mall with her friends, so she drives us there.

"Lex, get me something good." Paige says as she parks.

"I will." I assure her.

"Okay Draco, who are you buying things for?"

"Just you and my mum."

"Do you know what you want to get?" I ask him.

"Yes. I'll just use a map to figure out where I'm going, I'll be fine. I'll find you if I need."


I hope he doesn't get lost, or say something that could get us in trouble.

I have to buy something for Draco, Paige, Isabelle, Mum, Dad, and Clementine. I'll get something for Narcissa as well. I'll also get some things for my friends at Hogwarts.

I start with Izzy, since I know what she would like. I get her and I matching hoodies. She always said she wanted matching clothes, and this would be a good year to get some for us. I also get her a picture board that she can put pictures of us on.

Next, I get a new coffee mug for Dad.

I get makeup and perfume for Paige, and then I get a candle and a sweater for Mum.

I don't know what to get for Narcissa, so I get her a ring.

I get Clementine cat toys, and cat treats.

Next is Hermione. I get her books, easy.

For Ginny, I get her some new shoes.

For Ron and Harry, I get them shirts.

Lastly is Draco. I get him a rose scented candle, because he smelled roses in his Amorentia. I get him a book, because he loves to read. I also get him a ring, because he always wears some. Lastly, I get him a hoodie. I love when he wears hoodies, they make him look so hot. Especially with his messy hair.

Draco's POV:
I wonder when Lexie will be done shopping. I bought a picture frame for Mr and Mrs Hart, so they could put a family picture in there. For my mum, I bought her a dress. For Lexie, I bought her a few things.

Lexie's present had to be special. I bought her a candle, with a green apple scent. I knew she smelled that in her Amorentia. I also get her a locket, that inside has L+D carved in. It has a picture of us together. It has a Slytherin green colored gem on the front. I'll put a spell on it so she can change it between different colors too. I also get her a dress too, because I found one she will look perfect in.

I go to the front of the mall and wait. I read the signs of some of the shops around me. There is a big fountain in the middle of the area, and around there are food stores, clothing shops, jewelry shops, and some Muggle shops like a technology store.

I see Lexie come down the stairs with her hands full of bags.

She looks around, and she spots me.

"You certainly bought a lot." I nod at her bags.

"Yes, I did. You bought quite a lot too."

Lexie's sister comes down the stairs with her group of friends, their hands all full of bags too.

Lexie's sister waves to her friends, and they all go different directions. Her sister then comes over to us.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Yup, let's go." Lexie says.

We load the bags into the car, and I look out the window on the ride home.

The car still makes me uneasy, but I've gotten more used to it now. All of the Muggle buildings are so nice. I'm just used to the buildings in Diagon Alley.

We arrive home, and I follow Lexie up the stairs.

She puts her bags on the floor, and goes into her closet.

"Ah, here it is!" She gets a bunch of different colored and patterned pieces of paper.

She takes out some bags and almost see through paper.

She takes a sweater, probably for her mom, and folds it. She places it in the bag. She then takes out a candle, and places it in the bag too. She takes the almost see through paper and she crumples it and places it in the bag.

I turn away from her, and I place her parents picture frame in the bag. I take some of the paper, and I stuff it in the bag.

I next fold up my mum's dress, and I put it in a bag. I shove the paper in the bag on top of it.

Next, I take some of the patterned paper and I fold it along the box for the necklace. I tape the paper to the box, and it looks a bit messy but it's okay. I take one of the markers that Lexie took out and I write "Lexie" on top. I write names on the others bags too.

I fold up Lexie's dress, and put it in a bag along with the candle. I put the paper in the bag and write her name on it too.

"Are you done?" She asks.

"Yeah, you?"

She nods.

"Let's go put them under the Christmas tree!" She exclaims. We grab our bags and packages and I follow her down the stairs. We place our presents around the bottom of the tree, and I find that there are already a ton there.

"Let's watch a Christmas movie." Lexie says.

"Uh, sure."

Lexie runs into the kitchen and makes popcorn.

We sit on the couch, and she places the bowl of popcorn on the table.

The TV turns on when she clicks the button, and she turns on a Christmas movie.

We watch and eat popcorn. We eventually fall asleep.


I wake up and find that it's 11 PM. Tomorrow is Christmas.

Lexie is still asleep, so I carry her up to her room. I put her in the bed, and lay down next to her.

She buries her head in my chest, and I stroke her hair. I fall back asleep too.


I dream of Christmas with Lexie, but after Hogwarts. We are married, and have three kids, two girls and one boy. We are all having fun, opening our presents and laughing.

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now