Part 14 // The Train Ride Home

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It's time to pack for Christmas break.

Draco is coming to my house for Christmas, along with his mum.

It snowed while we were sleeping, so we get our jackets on and run outside.

The Weasley twins suggest we have a snowball fight.

We all agree.

The Weasleys, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny, go on one team, and Hermione, Harry, Draco, and I go on the other team.

We throw snowballs like little kids, and we are all laughing so hard.

It starts to snow more, adding to the plush, fluffy snow on the ground.

Draco throws a snowball at me.

"Hey! We are on the same team!" I laugh and throw one back at him.

He throws one at me again and the cold snow slides slowly down my shirt.

"Ah! It's so cold!"

I run over and tackle him into the snow.

I kiss him in the snow.

The Weasley twins mock us and make kissing noises.

"Oh shut up!" I throw a snowball at them.

We all have so much fun, but we eventually get cold.

Hermione, Ginny, and I go change into warm clothes. Hermione wears a pink sweater and white pants. I put on a white hoodie and grey sweatpants, and Ginny puts on a red sweatshirt and white pants.

We go back downstairs and I see Draco has changed into a black hoodie and grey pants. He looks really hot with his messy hair.

The fireplace is crackling, and there is hot chocolate on the table.

I sit on Draco's lap. And he wraps his arms around me to hug me.

"My mum sent me an owl, she said she will be waiting at the train station with her things when we get there." He tells me.

"Lex, are you going home?" Ginny asks.

"Draco and I are going to my house."

"That's nice!"

"Are you going to your house?" I ask her.

"Harry and Hermione are coming too, we always go to our house for break."

"That's nice. My mum sent me a letter saying that my gymnastics coach wants me to train during break."

"Are you going to?" Draco asks.

"Yes, but it'll only be a few hours a day, and I'll be home on Christmas and Christmas Eve, and for New Years and New Years Eve. I have a competition to go to when I'm home, you can come watch it."

"I'll be there."

We all talk for a bit longer and then we go upstairs to pack.

I fall asleep late, because I've been packing my things and reading.


I wake up the next morning and I play with Clem a bit, since I haven't been paying that much attention to her since school started. She's grown so big now.

"Clem, we are going home today! And Draco is going to be at my house. I'm not sure if he's ever been in the muggle areas. I'll have to teach him a lot about muggle things." I talk to her, even though she can't respond.


It's finally time to get on the train. I love Hogwarts and will miss the food, my friends, and everything, even though it won't be that long of a break, but I miss doing normal things like gymnastics, or hanging out with my parents.

Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Draco, and I find a compartment and sit in it.

Hermione pulls out a book.

Clem meows and I take her out of her cage.

"Draco, this is Clementine, my cat."

"You have a cat?"

"Yeah, she sleeps a lot and doesn't like to go in the common room very often, but in the mornings I've been training her to do it."

Clem lays on my lap and I pull out my own book and read.

Draco and Ginny take out books too, and Harry and Ron just look at the floor.

I eventually fall asleep with my head on Draco's lap, and Clem in my arms.

I wake to Draco stroking my hair and whispering my name a few hours later.

"Lex, we're here."

I sit up.

I look out the window and see we are back at Platform 9 3/4.

I put Clem in her crate.

I hug Hermione, Ginny, Ron, and Harry before we get off and they go to find Ron and Ginny's parents.

I see my parents and my sister, and I almost run over to them.

"Mum! Dad!"

I hug them.

"Lexie, I've missed you so much!" My mum says.

"I've missed you too."

I hug my sister too.

"Hi Lex." She says.

"Hi Paige."

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hart." Draco says.

"You must be Draco, and please, call us Amy and Robert."

Draco nods.

Draco's mum comes over.

"Hi, I'm Narcissa. I'm Draco's mum."

"Nice to meet you Narcissa, I'm Amy and this is Robert."

My parents shake hands with Narcissa.

"You must be Lexie. Draco's told me a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too."

My parents load their car with Narcissa and Draco's things. My parents take one car with Narcissa, and my sister takes another car with me and Draco.

I put my stuff into Paige's car, and I sit in the back with Draco.

"I've never been in a car." He whispers to me.

"It's fine, it's like the train." I whisper back.

I grab his hand.

Draco looks out the window, fascinated by the things outside.

We finally arrive at my house.

"This is your house? It's really nice." Draco says as we get out.

"Yup, this is my house. And thank you."

My parents pull in the driveway and Narcissa compliments the house also.

We bring the luggage into house and I take Draco and Narcissa to the guest room.

There are two beds in the guest room, and so they each take one.

I give Draco and Narcissa a tour of the house, and me and Draco go up to my room after.

"Your room is really nice." Draco says, sitting on the bed.


He kisses me and we just start making out.

"Lex! Time for dinner!" My sister calls up the stairs.

We stop and we go down to the dining room.

I sit in my normal spot, and Draco sits next to me.

The dinner is steak, and other things with it.

I eat it, and it doesn't taste like the Hogwarts food, but it tastes like home.

I know Draco feels the same way, that it doesn't taste like Hogwarts food. But he enjoys it still.

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