Part 2 // The Train Ride

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"Come on! You're going to be late!" Mum yells.

"Sorry!" I grab my suitcases and put them outside of my door. Clem meows. "Oh, you cutie. I wouldn't forget you!" I coo. I pick her up and kiss the top of her head.

I bring her downstairs along with my luggage.


It's a long car ride there, but I read and stroke Clementine.

We finally arrive. I see some other kids pushing a cart into a wall. That must hurt. But then I realized that they went through the wall...

I look around to look for Platform 9 and 3/4. There's nothing of that sort here.

A girl my age looks at me. "Are you lost?"

"Yes. I'm looking for Platform 9 and 3/4?"

"Oh, just run through this wall!" She points and runs through herself.

"Doesn't that hurt-" I call, but she goes through. I place all my stuff into a cart and I put Clem into her crate and gently put it behind my belongings. She meows as we run, and we get through the wall. My family appears behind me.

"Goodbye Lexie." My sisters says in a flat tone, and hugs me awkwardly.

"Bye." I say, matching her tone.

My dad bids his goodbyes and hugs me tight.

My mom starts to cry a bit as she hugs me and whispers to me. "I'll see you soon but I'll miss you so much!"

"I'll miss you too Mum."

I load my luggage onto the train and I find the girl from earlier. She is sitting with a boy that has glasses, a redheaded boy, and what looks to be his sister. She opens the door when she sees me in passing.

"Hey! You can sit with us if you want. I'm Hermione Granger by the way."

"Hi, I'm Lexie. Lexie Hart." I sit down next to Hermione, and the others look at me. "Hi. I'm Lexie Hart, I'm new to Hogwarts. I got late accepted."

"They do that?" The redhead boy asks, looking from Hermione to the glasses boy.

"I've heard so." Hermione says. "This is Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Ginny Weasley." She points to them.

"Hi!" Ginny says. "I'm in fourth year."

"I'm starting fifth."

"So are Ron, Harry, and I."

"Oh good."

Clem meows and I take her out of her crate.

"Aww, cute cat!" Ginny squeals.

"Thank you. I got her the other day."

"What's her name?" Hermione asks.

I stroke Clem. "Clem. Well, Clementine but I call her Clem."

"Aww. I have a cat, named Crookshanks." She takes Crookshanks out of his crate and his response was not so friendly. He growled at Clementine, leaving her scared.

I pull Clem back a bit, and hug her.

"Sorry. He doesn't like anybody besides me."

"It's okay. Uh, I'm going to go look around the train and maybe get something to eat." I place Clem on the seat but Ginny offers to hold her. "Oh, thank you." I hand her over to Ginny. "Be back in around 15 minutes." I slide open the door and walk through the hallways.


I go to the food cart and a platinum haired boy looking down at his feet walks into me and I fall over.

"Sorry!" I say, even though it's not my fault.

"Watch where your going, won't you?" He gets mad at me, even though he bumped into me.

"Rude much?" I exclaim.

"Sorry. Thought you were someone else." He says shyly.

"Help me up, won't you?" I say looking at his face.

"Sure, and sorry by the way." He grabs my hand and pulls my up with ease.

He glances at me and looks away, but then stares.

"What are you looking at?"

"N-nothing. Are you new?" He asks. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. I'm in fifth year. You?"

"I'm Lexie. Lexie Hart. I'm starting Hogwarts in fifth year, they late accepted me." I tell him.

"Oh, well nice to meet you. I'd love to talk more, do you wanna come sit with me and talk?" He asks.

I think about that. "Oh, well I promised my friends that I was just getting food and coming back..." I say reluctantly.

"I can pay for your food if you'd like." He offers.

"That would be great, I really don't have any money."


He pays for some jelly beans, and chocolate frogs. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. I'm in Slytherin by the way, hope you are too."

I smile and wave as I walk back to the car with my friends.

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We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now