Part 11 // Petals

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Pansy's POV:

I heard that Draco and that little M*dblood went on a date. A date! I get dressed in my Slytherin robes and head downstairs.

I pick up a piece of paper and I write fast on it.

Draco is mine. You know it. Stay away from him. And then I stick a Pansy petal on it.

I fold it up and head down to the Great Hall. I walk in and see Draco and Blaise sitting together. On my way over I go to the Gryffindor table.

"Here Hart!" I say extremely fake and cheerfully.

I hand it to her.

"Thanks..." She says slowly.

Lexie's POV:
I was just talking with my friends and casually eating breakfast when Parkinson, of all people, comes over to my table.

"Here Hart!" She says extremely cheerfully and what sounds very very fake.

"Thanks..." I slowly say.

"What is it?" Hermione asks as she walks away.

"Um, it looks like a letter..."

"I thought you were the smart one." Harry jokes.

Hermione punches him hard across the table.

"I know it's a letter, but what does it say?"

I open it and Hermione looks over.

"It doesn't say anything...Just a Pansy petal." She says.

"What? But it says-" I stop myself. It's enchanted so only I can see it. "Never mind. It doesn't say anything..."

"So, how was your date last night?" Ron asks.

"Oh my, it was fantastic." I ramble on with the details.

"Wow. You better take me on a date like that!" Hermione tells Ron.

"Um, sure." He agrees.

Pansy's POV:
I walk to the table and see the worried look on Lexie's face as she reassures her friends everything is fine.

"Hi Draco." I sit down next to him.

"Hi...Erm, I was just telling Blaise about something." He moves down the table a bit.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt! Keep going."

"Um, okay. So I picked her up and damn, she looked gorgeous. A really nice black dress, beautiful hair, her makeup And then we went to the spot I had prepared and we danced, and we ate dinner and wow. It was just, amazing." He tells Blaise.

"She sounds like an awesome girl." Blaise says.

"Oh she is. Prettier than anyone I've ever met in my life either."

"What about me Draco?" I ask.

He ignores me.

Draco and Blaise keep talking and just ignore me.

"Draco, that girl, Hart. About her, she was really rude to me and um..." I think of something bad she could've done to make Draco not like her anymore. "She slapped me!" I exclaim when I think of it.

"When?" He asks boredly.

"Last night. At 11PM." I say quickly.

"Um...11PM was when me and Lexie went out."

Damn it!


"Anyways Blaise." He turns back to Blaise and they continue talking.

Hermione's POV:

After breakfast I find Zabini and Malfoy walking away.

"Malfoy!" I grab his arm.


"Come here." I pull him over to an empty hallway.

"What do you want Granger? I have to go." He looks down the hall.

"It'll be quick. Since Lexie trusts you, I...well I don't trust you, but I'll tolerate you. Pansy sent Lexie a note, threatening her. I saw what it said, but pretended I didn't. I don't think anyone else saw it though."

"What did it say?" He asks.

"It said, 'Draco is mine, you know it. Stay away from him'."

"What? I don't even like Pansy. I mean, we did date for a while on and off, not official, but the last time I broke up with her was last year!"

"Well...She thinks you are hers."

"I-I'm going to find her."

He runs off.

Draco's POV: (next morning)

I see Pansy and Lexie.

Pansy has a wand and is looking at Lexie, who is sitting on a plain wooden chair, tied up.

Pansy points her wand at Lexie.

"Crucio!" She yells.

Lexie screams and her face contorts into a pained look.

I try and run and stop Pansy, but I am frozen. I yell Lexie's name, but no sound comes out.

Pansy repeats the curse Crucio about three times, each time making me yell out and try and run to them.

I suddenly wake up, sweating, with a pounding headache. Thank god. It was a dream. A pretty real one too. Maybe I should go check on her.

I pull some clothes on and head to the Gryffindor common room.

Another Gryffindor passes me to get in.

"I need to see Lexie Hart, can I go in?" I ask.


I climb through the portrait hole and find Lexie and her friends sitting on the chairs.

"Lex!" I call over to them, worriedly.


I look her over, she looks fine.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes...why? And how did you get in?"

"Some Gryffindor let me in. Anyways, I had a dream. It was very realistic. Pansy was Crucioing you."

"It's okay. I'm fine."

"Did Pansy send you a letter too? Threatening you? Or was that my dream too..."

"Wait how did you-" She stops herself and takes a deep breath. "She did send me a letter..."

She reaches into her bag and she takes out a folded letter.

I open it and read it. Exactly what Granger said.

"Lex...why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to get worried."

"Of course I'd be worried, Pansy is threatening you! I-I'm going to go find her."

I start walking off but Lexie grabs my arm.

"No! Stay here Draco. It's fine!"


She gets up from her chair and I sit down in it. She sits down on my lap.

"Well..." Weasley says.

We sit silently for a minute.

Little Weasley breaks the silence.

"Hermione and Lexie. We should go dress shopping today, and Ron, Harry, and Draco, you guys should go get something to wear too."

"Um, sure." Harry says.

"Great. When should we go?" She asks.

"How about...after breakfast?" Granger says.

"Okay." We all agree.

They all go get changed into their robes, so I head back to the Slytherin tower to get mine.

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