Part 17 // Christmas

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The next morning when I wake up, it's Christmas. Lexie is getting dressed in sweatpants and a Christmas hoodie.

"Morning Lex." I hug her.

She jumps a bit.

"Draco! You scared me." She laughs.

"Sorry." I laugh with her.

I get dressed in my own hoodie and sweatpants.

We go downstairs to find my mum, Lexie's sister, and her parents.

"Merry Christmas!" We all exchange smiles.

The doorbell rings, and Lexie runs to open it.

"Merry Christmas Izzy!"

"Merry Christmas Lex!"

They hug, and Isabella puts a present under the tree.

Lexie's mom sets the table with gingerbread flavored waffles, and whipped cream and crushed peppermint on top.

Lexie and Isabella are whispering and giggling while we eat.

Lexie's POV:
I'm so glad that it's Christmas. And that Izzy is here.

My mom makes her famous Christmas waffles, and me and Izzy whisper and giggle while we eat.

"Your boyfriend is really cute." She whispers very quietly, so I barely hear her.

I slap her gently on the arm. "He's mine!" I whisper back.

"I know! I'm just saying he's cute." We giggle.

"Have you guys kissed yet?"

"Yep. A bunch of times."

"Have you said I love you?"


"Have know."


"Just asking!"

We finish our waffles.

"It's time to open presents!" Mum exclaims.

Me and Izzy run to the tree, almost tripping.

"Okay, you can open them!" My mum says.

"Open mine first!" Me and Izzy tell each other at the same time.

We hand each other the presents.

"You first!"

Izzy opens the present, revealing the two matching hoodies, and a picture board that says "Besties" in cursive letters on the top.

"Oh my gosh, Lex! I love it!" She hands me the second hoodie. We hug.

"Okay, let me open yours now."

I open hers, and it's two little lights.

"They are friendship lamps, and I bought the special ones that you can send messages on too." She explains.

I touch the lamp. It changes to a pink color, Izzy's changes to the same pink color.

"Izzy, I love it!"

My parents open their presents from me, so does Paige and Narcissa.

"Thank you, Lexie." Narcissa tells me when she sees the ring. She pushes it onto her finger.

"Thanks Lex!" My sister hugs me and looks at the makeup I got her.

"Oh Lexie, thank you so much!" I hug my mum and dad.

From my sister, I get a couples game, and a new shirt, hoodie, pants, and shoes from my parents. From Narcissa, I get a book.

I turn to Draco, "Here." I hand him my gifts.

"A rose candle. Like from the Amorentia."

He quickly reaches behind him and pulls out a bag.

I open it. "A green apple candle."

I open it and smell it. He had charmed it to smell like the other smells in the Amorentia too.

"Draco, thank you!"

I hug him.

He opens the other gifts from me.

"Thank you Lexie." Then he whispers in my ear. "I have another gift for you, but I want to give it to you privately."

I nod.

My sister pulls me aside a few minutes later, and so Draco and Izzy converse.

"Hey Lex. What's new with you? We haven't talked recently, and I want to know what's happening."

I am surprised.


"Yeah, tell me all about Hogwarts, and Draco."

"Um, sure."

I tell her all about what's happened at Hogwarts, and I tell her about the ball, my friends, and my dates with Draco.

"Wow. That sounds...amazing. Also, what is that thing that you and Draco were talking about with the candles? Amor..."

"Amorentia. It's a potion we made in potions class that smells like your soulmate. And Draco smelled roses, and I smelled green apples, which are our scents."

"Wow Lex, that's amazing."

Isabella has to go home, so me and Draco bring our presents upstairs.

"Here's the gift." Draco whispers.

He takes a gift bag, and he hands it to me.

It's a beautiful Slytherin green dress.

"Draco, it's beautiful." I whisper. "I'll wear it to the New Years Party."

"Which New Years party?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! The Weasley's owl came through the window this morning, and they sent us some Floo powder. They said there is a party for some teenagers in the Wizarding World. We are going to Floo to their house and then they'll take us to the party."

"Oh, so I assume we are going?"


We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now