Part 6 // Classes

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Harry and Ron whisper mean things about the Professor as we mix our potions in potions class.

The teacher, Snape hits them on the head with a book and Ron rubs his head, complaining that he has a headache now.

"Oh, you're fine." Hermione gently kisses him.

He smiles.

"So what is this potion exactly supposed to do?" I ask.

"It's called amortentia. It is supposed to smell like your soulmate." Hermione explains.

"What does yours smell like?" I ask Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

"Mine smells..." Ron sniffs his potion."Erm, old books, paper, and pencils." He then looks at Hermione.

"Mine smells like treacle tarts, a broomstick handle, and...Ginny..." Harry looks nervously over to Ron, who glares at him.

"Mine smells like toothpaste, parchment, and grass." Hermione looks at Ron.

Ron leans over and kisses Hermione but Snape comes over and hits Ron on the head, and it looked and sounded like it hurt a lot.

"Ow!" Ron exclaims. He passes out because it hurt really bad.

"We need to take him to the hospital wing!" Hermione exclaims.

"He's fine, Mione!" Harry assured her.

Ron wakes up and rubs his head.

"Are you okay Ron?" Hermione hugs him.

"Erm, I'm fine, I guess..." He hugs her back, but awkwardly.

Class ends and we head to Transfiguration.

We turn frogs into quills and turn them back into frogs.

"This is so easy!" Hermione exclaims and she does it with ease. To rub it in she even closes her eyes and does it!


We finish classes and head to the common room.

Hermione helps Harry, Ron, and I with our homework. Ginny works by herself since she is doing different things, but if she needs help she asks Hermione. Whenever Ron gets it right by himself Hermione rewards him with a kiss.

"Stop it! I'm trying to work!" Ginny complains. She doesn't like the kissing.

Just then Ron pulls Hermione in for a long kiss as Ginny slaps his arm.

"Shove off Ginny!" Ron slaps her back.

"Ron! Stop slapping Ginny!" Hermione scolds him.

"B-but she did it first!" Ron gets mad at her.

"Well you ticked her off!"

"And I'll do it again!" He pulls her in for a longer kiss.

"Ew!!! I'm going to my room!" Ginny huffs. She grabs her stuff and goes to the girls dormitory.

"Erm, Ron can I speak with you?" Harry asks. He looks nervous.

"Uh, sure."

They go to the back of the room and Ron looks mad. Harry begs him and he finally agrees, still mad.


We have a great meal at dinner.

We head back to the common room and Harry looks extremely nervous.

"Erm, Ginny...Do you er, wanna go out with me?" Harry finally works up the courage to ask her.

"Yes!" Ginny exclaims and Harry leans over and kisses her.

Hermione and I clap and Ron rolls his eyes. He looks like he might punch Harry.

News spreads around the common room like wildfire that the Harry Potter is dating the Ginny Weasley.


As we get changed for bed, Hermione jokes, "We need to find another friend in our group for Lexie!"

"Maybe!" Ginny laughs.

"So, you and Harry, me and Ron, we will be related one day!" Hermione hugs Ginny.

"We need to find another Weasley for Lexie! Then we can all be related!" We all laugh.


I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow, but I have dreams. Good dreams of course!

I am at a wedding, and I am getting married. I get married along with Ginny and Harry, and Hermione and Ron. But the person I marry is Draco. Draco Malfoy. The one I am supposed to stay away from. What would Hermione think if she knew I had this dream?

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now