Part 8 // Second Day Part 2

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Lexie's POV:

Ron and Hermione have been upstairs for a while. Like hours. I wonder what they are doing.

Harry finally goes upstairs to get them. He comes down with Ron and Hermione looking tired.

"What were you two doing up there for so long?" Ginny demands.

"We fell asleep." Hermione blushes.

Ron sits down in a chair and Hermione sits on top of him.

Ginny looks at them suspiciously.

"Let's go, it's lunch time." I say, checking the large clock.

We walk down pretty quietly, except for Hermione and Ron quietly talking.

Ron and Hermione sit next to each other, and Harry and Ginny sit next to each other. I just sit next to Ginny.

Ron loads up his plate the second the food comes.

"Leave some for other people, Ronald!" She scolds him.

"Fine." He puts one thing back.

Hermione takes some food but also takes some off of Ron's plate.


They argue about this through out the entire lunch period.

"Will you shut up?" Ginny slaps Ron across the table.

Ron slaps her back.


"Ron, stop! Ginny, you stop too!" Hermione scolds them.

We go through the day, and the only class I remember is potions.


"Lex, what does yours smell like?" Hermione asks me.

We are finishing our amortentia, and I finally finished mine.

"Mine smells like..." I inhale the smell of my potion and cough. "Wow, it's really strong. Um, I smell green apples, really strong cologne, mint..." I smell it again. "Pine trees, and vanilla. And a faint bit of hair gel and hair dye."

"Wow, that's a lot...Who do you think it is?" Harry asks.

"Erm, I'm not sure." I lie. I know exactly who it is.

"Hey Potter, what do you smell?" Malfoy calls over.

"None of your business." Harry calls back, annoyed.

"What do you smell, Malfoy?" I ask.

"I smell roses, perfume, strawberries, chocolate, some Muggle stuff, and some vanilla and coconut conditioner." He describes my smells.

I pour my amortentia into a bottle like we are instructed.


It's bed time, and Hermione and Ron had gone up to Ron's dorm, even though it's not allowed. They are the prefects though, so I guess they don't follow the rules.

After 30 minutes, Harry decides to go up as well.

"Night Gin." He kisses her.


"Ginny, Harry smelled you in his amortentia!" I exclaim.

"Really? Who did you smell?" She asks.

"Okay, don't tell the others, but I smelled Draco Malfoy..." I admit.

"Blimey...Hermione would be so mad. Harry would probably punch him, and Ron would just get really mad, but hold Harry back."

"Do you think I should ask Draco out?"

"Yes. He's your soulmate after all! Maybe not yet though. It's to early. Maybe ask him to the ball that's coming up in November!"

"Okay. I will, thanks Gin!" I hug her and go to get ready for bed.

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