Part 18 // Competition

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It's the day of my gymnastics competition, and it's the 30th of December, only a few days left of break.

I put my competition leotard on. It's a bit tight since I haven't bought a new one since last year, but it'll do for one day.

I pull my long hair into a neat bun on top of my head. I tuck in the hairs that managed to escape, and I bobby-pin them in. I spray my hair with hairspray so it'll stay in place.

I get my LGC hoodie and some sweatpants, and so throw them on.

I get my bag ready for the competition. I put my hair supplies in the bag in case my hair comes out. I put a book to read in the car, some candy to eat while I wait, and I throw a Dunkin gift card in too. I want to get a coffee on the way.

I pick up my bag and bring it downstairs.

"Can we get Dunkin on the way there?" I ask.

"Sure, but you have to eat a little bit now."

"Okay, thanks."

"What's Dunkin?" Draco whispers.

"It's a place where they sell donuts and coffee."


"Do you want something when we go?"

"No, I'm good."


We get in the car, my parents in the front, and me and Draco in the back.

We stop at the Dunkin' Donuts.

"Can I please get an iced coffee with caramel?" I order.

"Anything else?" The cashier worker asks.

"Nope, that's it. I have a gift card."

I place my Dunkin gift card on the table.

I wait a few minutes and I get my drink.

I take a sip of it, and it tastes so good. I used to get this a lot, and I missed the taste of it.

We get in the car, and I drink more of the drink.

"Do you want to try it?" I ask Draco.

"Um, sure."

He takes a sip of it.

"Do you like it?"

"It's okay, I like butter beer better."

We arrive at the competition, and my parents hug me and wish me luck.

"Good luck, Lex. Don't hurt yourself." Draco tells me.

"I'll try." I kiss him, and then I run to my coach and my group.

I take off my hoodie and sweatpants and I talk with the other girls.

"Good luck." We all wish each other luck.

We get warmed up, and they start with floor.

"On floor, we have number 23, Alexis from London Gymnastics Center!"

I hear tons of cheers. I walk out, and my music starts.

Come on, you got this, I tell myself.

And I do my floor routine, only messing up one landing, but I make it look like it was part of the routine.

When I finish, I hear really loud cheers. I pull myself together and I walk off.

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