Part 20 // The Last Day

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* TIME SKIP (last day of 5th year) *

It's the last day of school, and I'm rushing to pack my things. I've put it off till the last minute of course.

"Lex, you still haven't packed? Hurry up!" Hermione nags me.

She has all of her stuff neatly piled up in front of her bed. Ginny's things are threatening to explode with clothes.

Hermione rushes downstairs to deduct house points from two squabbling second years.

I try to fold all my clothes neatly, but they end up just getting messy and uneven.

I hear Hermione yelling at Harry and Ron for not having their things packed up, and I hear footsteps of her following them up the stairs to the boys dormitory.

I shove my clothes in, trying to get all of them into my trunks. It doesn't seem to fit, so I have to sit on top of it.

"Hermione's really bossy today." I note to Ginny.

"She's always like that, tying to make everything perfect and smooth. It's just her thing." Ginny shrugs.

I really like Hermione, but she can be a control freak at times. Okay, most of the time.

"Does anyone need help packing?" Hermione impatiently taps her foot, going around helping the younger kids.

A first year gets nervous while Hermione helps him pack, because she is practically yelling at him for doing it wrong.

The kid starts to cry, but tries to hold it back.

"Hermione! You're making the kid cry!" I whisper to her.

"Well he's doing it wrong!" She whispers back.

"Here, let me help you. Sorry about my friend, she's very stressed today." I apologize on Hermione's behalf, and help the kid pack his trunks.

"Hermione, go upstairs and take a rest. You've done enough for right now." I grab her hand and I lead her up to the dormitories.

"No! I'm a prefect, it's my duty to help the younger kids not be stressed and sad about leaving." She insists.

"Hermione, I'm saying this in the kindest way possible. You are the one stressing out the kids." I sigh, telling her the hard truth.

"Oh, I know! It's so hard, I need to help everyone but they all are doing it wrong!" She breaks. She starts to cry, so I comfort her.

"Oh Hermione, the kids like you. But not everything has to be perfect."

She stops crying for a second to glare at me, but then continues.

"Oh, um, I'll go get Ron." And I rush out into the common room, where Ron is trying to help some third year girls.

"Ron, Hermione's crying." I inform him.

"I'm busy right now!" He doesn't look up.

"She needs you. Here, I'll help them."

"Alright, I'll try and help her." He sighs and braces himself, because knowing Hermione, she'll probably start an argument with him.

He goes up to the girls dorms, and I help the third years pack their stuff up.

Professor McGonagall comes into the common room, and after scanning the common room, she looks at me.

"Miss Hart, where are the prefects?" She questions.

"Hermione was getting too bossy, so I sent her upstairs to rest. She almost made a kid cry for packing wrong." I explain.

"Hm, and where might Mr. Weasley be?" She asks.

"He went to check on Hermione."

"In the girls dormitories?"

Just then, Ron comes down.

"Ah, Mr. Weasley. What were you doing in the girls dormitories?"

"I was, er, checking on Hermione, Professor."

"And you left the younger students without a prefect to help them pack?"

"Lexie was helping the students."

"I see. Well, you are back now, so it's your turn to help the students. Like you were supposed to be doing in the first place."

"Yes Professor." Ron nods.

McGonagall leaves, and Ron just goes back upstairs to find Hermione again.

"Excuse me?" A first years voice squeaks behind me.

"Hm?" I turn.

"Can you help me pack please?" She asks, in the same squeaking voice.

"Of course."


It's time to get on the train.

I pick up my trunks, and I carry them down to the train.

I am boarding the train, and I spot Draco, going to a compartment with his friends.

He spots me walking by, and he comes out of the compartment.

"Hey Lex." He kisses me.

"Hi Draco, do you want to come sit with me and my friends?" I ask.

"Sure." He grabs his stuff from his compartment and brings it to the one with me and my friends.

As usual, we all talk as the train is bringing us back to King's Cross.

"That was fun." Ginny laughs, as we go back to our memories from the year. "Oh! And that time that Fred and George set a fire to Snape's robes!"


We arrive at King's Cross, and I see my parents and sister waiting for me.

I grab my trunks and say goodbye to my friends.

"Bye! I'll miss you all so much!" And we all hug.

I turn to Draco as my friends leave.

"Draco. I'll miss you."

"Lexie, I'll miss you a lot too."

I hug him, and he pulls me into one last, long kiss.

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now