Part 4 // Finally, The Train Ride is Over!

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After a few more minutes of excitement, Ron and Harry come back, and hand us each some food.

"How much longer until we get there?" I wonder aloud.

"Only about an hour or so." Hermione states.

"I'm going to take a nap." Ginny yawns. She lays her head on Harry's shoulder, as he was sitting next to her.

"Let's go change into our robes." Hermione grabs my hand and we go to the bathroom and change.

"So, Ron asked you out."

"Finally. Took him long enough." She rolls her eyes.

"Next mission, Harry and Ginny."

"Trust me, Ginny has been trying for long enough." She sighs.



"Let's go back to the train car." I walk out of the bathroom.


In passing we meet Draco again.

"Hi." I blush and wave to him.

"Well Hart, I see you already have found this little mudblood and her friends." Draco looks Hermione up and down, disapprovingly.

"Shove off Malfoy." Hermione grabs my hand and pulls me away.

"Bye!" I wave as Hermione drags me back.

He waves back.


"Lexie's already made friends with Malfoy." Hermione tells them as she pushes me into my seat.

"Malfoy's bad news. Stay away from him." Ron says through his mouthful of food.

"Fine!" They will probably tell me what to do and what not to do since they know more. I'll make it a plan to go get Malfoy and date him. So I can prove I'm right.


We finally arrive at Hogwarts.

"Gin, wake up. We're here." Harry whispers to Ginny.

"I'm tired." Ginny complains, but gets up.


We take a little cart to go up to the school. It isn't pulled by anything though.

"Hi Luna, hi Neville." Hermione says to the white haired girl and brown haired boy who come sit with us.

"Hi, I'm Lexie Hart. I'm new and I'm starting fifth year."

"Us too. Welcome to Hogwarts." The girl named Luna welcomes me.

Hermione leans over and whispers to me.

"Luna is a bit crazy, we call her Loony Lovegood in secret. But don't tell her."

"Aren't the thestrals pulling the cart beautiful?" Luna stares in front of the cart.

"There's nothing there..." Maybe she is loony.

"Luna, they can't see them." Harry tells her.

"Oh. Right."

"Can you see them?" I ask Harry.


"Why can you and Loon- Luna. See them then?"

"Only those who have experienced a loved ones death can." Luna explains.

"Oh..." I change the subject. "Is there good food here?"

"The best." Ron states.

The others nod in approval.


We finally arrive at the school front.

"Wow, it's so big. And very nice." I gasp.

"Its amazing. I can tell you all about the architecture!" Hermione starts.

"Oh no. She doesn't want to hear this, Mione." Ron shakes his head.

"Fine." She rolls her eyes.

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now