Part 13 // The Ball

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Lexie's POV:
It's the day of the ball, and classes are cancelled.

We all sleep in, especially me.

When I wake up around 1, since I am a teenager, I get dressed and head downstairs.

"Blimey Lexie, it's 1 o'clock!" Ron says.

I yawn. "When did you guys get up?"


"Have you ever slept past 11?" I ask, sitting down.

"Nope." Hermione says.

"Wow. On breaks at home I would sleep till 2."


We all talk for a bit, and after lunch it's time to get ready for the ball.

Hermione, Ginny, and I head upstairs to the girls dorms.

We pull on our dresses and Ginny does our makeup.

"Ginny, that's looks so good!" Hermione squeals when Ginny does her makeup.

"Wow." I gasp when I see that Ginny has given me a pretty green eyeshadow, pink glossed lips, and long eyelashes.

She does her own makeup, and then does our nails.

She gives me green nail polish, which goes perfectly with my look.

She does pink for Hermione, and red for herself.

"Ginny, you are amazing."

"Why thank you."

She does our hair beautifully.

We put our heels on to finish the look. Ginny puts on red heels, I put green heels on, and Hermione puts white heels on.

We walk downstairs carefully, so we don't trip.

The boys should have gone to the ball already.

We get to the ball, and I'm so excited.

Ginny walks in first and glides gracefully down the steps to the ball.

Hermione goes next.

I go last, and I see Draco looking very handsome at the bottom of the stairs.

He looks at me and I smile. His mouth falls open when he sees my dress.

I walk down the steps, and he offers me his hand.

"You look beautiful Lexie. More than beautiful, I mean-" He struggles to think of the right words. "You look amazing, gorgeous."

"Thank you Draco."

The ball is beautiful. A white ballroom with marble walls, a beautifully patterned floor, the biggest almost shiny and crystaled chandelier. It was perfect.

The headmaster makes a speech, and then the music starts.

I look around to see everyone doing the same dance, so I follow along.

Draco is actually a very good dancer.

"You are good at dancing." I whisper.

"Thank you. You are too." He whispers back.

The dance ends with him lifting me up.

The dance ends, and people start to walk off the dance floor.

Draco takes my hand and we find a table with Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Luna, and Neville.

Draco pulls a chair out for me, and I sit. He takes the chair next to me.

A house elf comes up to us.

"Would you like a butter beer?" The elf asks.

"My goodness! They are having the elf's work at the ball."

Ron grabs her arm. "Remember Hermione, they want to work."

"But it's unfair to have the house elves work!"

"They want to work!"

"Thank you Dobby, but we don't want anything." Harry tells the elf.

"Master Harry Potter! Dobby must get Master Harry Potter a butter beer."

"Master Harry Potter?" I ask as the elf scurries off to get Harry a drink.


Dobby comes back carrying 8 small cups of butter beer.

"For Master Harry Potter, Master Draco Malfoy, and their friends."

He puts the butter beer on the table and scurries away.

"Master Draco Malfoy?"

"Dobby was my fathers house elf, but then Harry set him free, and now he works at Hogwarts."


I take the small cup of butter beer and drain it quickly.

They announce that it's time to switch up your dancing partners.

Luna goes with Draco, Neville goes with Ginny, Harry goes with Hermione, and so Ron asks me to dance.

"Would you like to dance?" He asks.


We walk onto the floor, and music starts playing.

Ron shuffles along to the music, and I try and dance worse than I did with Draco so he doesn't feel bad.

He really is a bad dancer.

The song ends, and we have to switch again so I dance with Harry.

He isn't as bad as Ron, but he's still pretty bad.

"You're a good dancer, Lex." He says.

"Thanks, you're...Well, you're better than Ron."

We laugh.

"Just so you know, I think Draco might actually be a good guy. I'm sorry if I ever doubted your relationship with him."

"Thank you, Harry."

I hug him.

The song ends, and we get to dance with our friends, so I pull Ginny and Hermione over to dance.

After that dance, we have one last dance with our date before we get served food.

I see that Draco was sitting in a chair watching everyone during the friends dance.

I go over to the table.

"Draco, do you want to do one last dance?" I ask.

"Of course." He stands up and we go to the floor.

I wrap my arms around him and hug him.

Then we dance.

When the song ends, we all go back to the tables.

The platters in the middle of the table are filled with delicious food now.

We all take some food and I eat it carefully as not to ruin my makeup.

The meal today is a roast chicken, corn on the cob, potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables.

Ron eats all his food except for his fruits and vegetables, which he picks at. Hermione makes him eat them though.

After the dinner, it is late, so they tell us to go to our house towers.

"Goodnight Draco." I say as everyone starts leaving, but Draco has other plans.

"Come with me." He grabs my hand.

He brings me to the top of the astronomy tower.

"It's beautiful up here."

I go to the balcony and I look down.

Draco comes beside me, and the clock hits midnight.

Fireworks go off, and Draco turns me around and kisses me.

The kiss seems to last forever, but forever is fine with me.

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now