Part 15 // Future

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Draco's POV:
It's the day before Christmas Eve. Well, it's the middle of the night right now, but it's almost the day before. I'm tossing and turning and I can't fall back asleep after my nightmare.

I slowly open the door so it doesn't make any noise.

I go into the hallway and I see a light on in Lexie's sisters room, but I just ignore it and walk down the hall to Lexie's room.

I open the door carefully. I walk over to her bed.

"Draco?" She mutters sleepily.

"Just a nightmare, can I sleep with you? I can't fall asleep in my room."

She mutters something back and I take it as a yes.

I get into her bed and wrap my arm around her. I stroke her hair and I eventually fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up and see that Lexie is still asleep. Her clock reads 9:00. I carefully get up so I don't wake her.

I go back to my room and my mum isn't in her bed, so she must be downstairs.

I get dressed in my favorite black hoodie and grey pants. I mess up my hair a bit because I know Lexie likes it when it's messy.

I go downstairs and find my mother sitting on the couch reading.

"Draco, good morning."

"Good morning Mum." I sit next to her on the couch.

"Your girlfriend is so sweet, and her family is so nice. I know Christmas will be a bit different this year, but it'll be better than normal because it isn't just us. I'm sorry your father can't be here this year, but he has business to do."

She starts to cry a little bit.

"It's okay Mum."

She stops crying and I ask her this. "Is it okay is she's not Slytherin? Because, she's a Gryffindor. Dad might get angry, because he specifically told me not to date anyone other than a Slytherin."

"Oh Draco, it's fine with me. I'll talk to your father."

"Thank you Mum." I hug her and at that moment Lexie comes down.

"Good morning Lex."

I kiss her.

"Good morning Draco."

We sit down for breakfast and the doorbell rings.

Lexie goes to open it.

Lexie's POV:
The doorbell rings as I sit down for breakfast.

"I'll get it." I say.

I stand up and walk over to the door.

I open it, and my best friend is standing there.

"Lexie!" She exclaims and hugs me tight.


My best friend is Isabella Stevenson, but I call her Izzy. She has long blonde hair, and blue eyes.

We hug for a minute and I grab her hand and bring her inside.

I whisper to her.

"I got a boyfriend at Hogwarts. He and his mum are here for the break."

"Let me see him!" She whispers back excitedly.

I drag her into the dining room where everyone is sitting for breakfast.

"Draco, this is my best friend from home, Isabella. Izzy, this is my boyfriend Draco."

"Oh my god, he's hot." She whispers to me.

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now