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(woah! Talk about a rough start)

Y/n's POV

It was my first day in the 'Institute of Perfection' I was so amaze an curious at the same time,looking around I saw lots of packing peanuts and other dolls looked just like me ,a little bit of gray and a dash of white.

"Welcome to the Institute of Perfection! Where only the best will meet their perfect human match" A robotic voice said as I stepped inside the machine,but then suddenly I herd a big "BUZZ" pressing against the concrete floor.

The machine then scanned my face and said.

"You're a model\singer\perfect doll"

"PERFECT?... Wait, did it just say it out loud?" I muttered looking around exploring more of the place. Looking around I saw some well organized buildings and mostly everywhere was real neat and tidy, and the surroundings are vary proportional. From time to time I'm starting to get a little bit bored knowing that I've been seeing the same thing over and over again and the place seemed a bit dull... Until I've reached the library without knowing... Looking inside was lots I mean lots of books, so I've decided to borrow one."Well, why not?"


I'm still reading the book I borrowed from the library as I stroll around the buildings... Until I realized that everyone is gawking at me with pure amazement on their faces...(duh! Your a model)I flinched a little and tried to see if everything's alright "Is there something in my face?....I checked if there's something wrong..."Hmph! Noting"

I shrugged continuously reading the book... From a distance I herd something bout a little conversation between three girls and a guy.(and did I mention that you love books here, he he!)

"Excuse me ladies, Who's Lou?"

The three girls seemed to be stupefied by that question... As the three girls glared at him everyone around came to see what's going on?..."Who's Lou? That's what their worried about?... What the hell is the big deal about mentioning that name?. I muttered as I continued listening to the background.

"Who's Lou? Were you born yesterday?"

"Um... Yes!"

"Look,Listen and Learn!"

The three girls somehow synchronized
whole place. suddenly got dark and I couldn't see what I'm reading..."Damn it! Why is it so dark?... And a spotlight suddenly dawned a doll in the center stage...everyone around began to cheer except for me. The crowed starts to cheer names as lasers,beams and sparks boom out of the stage.

Even through I'm in a far of distance I can see his face vary clearly from the large screen behind him... Everyone I seriously crazy about him most of the dolls started to fainting most of them a mostly girls... There so much that's going on. His bright ocean blue eyes, his golden hair glows under the spotlight and oh that smile...

You can go on and on talking about his face.(sounds like your already falling huh?)

The boy started singing, and my heart pounds hearing his raspy voice "He sure can sing". I muttered as I continued listening to what's his singing... You can easily say the his real perfect and all, but something's wrong.

As I started listing carefully to what's his saying...

"You're much too small(too small)

"You're way too thin"(too thin)

"Is that a blemish in your double chin?(oh man!)

"You'll never walk the runway"(no)

"Or a man in a kissing booth(mwah)

"You're U-G-L-Y (ugly)

"And that's the ugly truth

As listen more and more I started to he disgust of what's coming out of his mouth seriously these guy need to see an optometrist literally... I was so relief that I was standing in a far of distance if who knows what would happened so just rolled my eyes tried to read my book and just walk away" He's a jerk and that's an uglier truth"
I muttered...

"Wait!!"I herd Lou's voice called out and the spotlight suddenly points at me making it hard to read...(seriously! You're more worried about that)

Then he jumped down the the stage walking towards me... Everyone was immediately making way for him almost looked like that he's royalty the only thing that's missing is for everyone to curtsey in front of him." Seriously how can he even noticed me with all of this dolls around?" I said to my self.

"Oh,I'm sorry" I said in a cold tone.

"What have you done dolly?" He said sounding so worried... Then the lights finally went back to normal...

I couldn't meet his eyes even tough I didn't do anything wrong. Everyone was staring at me looking so disappointed most of them was starting to glare at me so I just bit my lips and started to face the ground.

"I'm sorry... I'm new" I said bitterly. Even though I was feeling nervous I was also feeling annoyed because of those word coming out of his mouth. And deep down I wanna say some witty and sassy comments about him.

I can feel he was walking a bit closer to me even though I was looking at the ground.

"Hmh! Is that so?" He said as he slowly lifted his hand to lift my chin making an eye contact.

At the time he started to looked a me I notice his eyes immediately widen and starts to let go.

"Well, may I have your name? He asked leaning toward me with only inches between our face. With his hand on his back and a smile.

(NO! Bad IDEA! I tell you! VARY VARY BAD IDEA!)

"M-my name is Y/n" I said in a shy tone.

"Well, Y/n!...sorry just doesn't work around here. And I'm surprised that a perfect doll doesn't know that. BUT! I'll let it slide this time...a kindhearted gentleman like just can't take it if I gave a perfect doll like me such punishment. But I have to ask you to visit me in my office, k!... Just for a little chat. Got that princess".He left me without even giving me a chance to answer. Everyone was whispering at each other while drooling in the presences of Lou.

(See it told you! Gosh what a day)

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