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Y/n's POV

It was the end of the day, luckily today I didn't get any stains, smudges, or dirt on me today so I'm felling a little proud of my self. Even though I'm still felling a bit lonely all of a sudden, well...without Nolan around class seems to be a bit boring.

I was walking my way towards home, but I'm still having a strange feeling that Louis is keeping his eyes on me... Any who I decided to py Nolan a visit just to see how's he's doing without me.

I finally arrived at Nolan's home. Boy! He seems to be having a rough day today. So I decided to surprise him, just to lighten up his mood.

Nolan's POV

I was back at my house resting my head near the windowsill thinking bout how Y/n's doing. Since the day Y/n and I had been separated Lou keeps threatening me to stay away from her, I don't know why.. But I think that Lou's planning something about
Y/n. I don't know what but judging Lou's actions seems to be a little sup I suspicious.

Little did they know I was watching them talk ,while Lou's with my best friend! I haven't talk to her ever since. She seems mad without me. Cause I am. I don't like her or anything. But I just needs some company from my best friend. I'm just too...lonely.

Sitting near the window still lost I'm my thoughts, when suddenly a strange figure suddenly pops out to nowhere.

"Nolan!" A very familiar voice said making me shock while stumbling back making me loose my balance.

"Y/n?..." I asked seemingly shock. She giggled.

"The one and only!" She said happily. "You OK?" She asked sounding a little worried.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine..! But next time give me a warning. Ok." I said as age helped me get back on my feet. "What are you doing here? Lou said y-" I said a bit worried about her as she cuts me off.

"The only thing that he said is, were not suppose to be in a same class not after." She said happily.

We had a few chats, laughs and a bit of playing game on each other a the time went by. But even though I have a felling that this will not end well.

"So Nolan, how is it being in a deferent class." She asked sounding a bit curious.

"Kinda boring sometime, but I'll get use to it." I said pushing a sad smile as she smiles back.

Y/n's POV

I was pretty happy I got spent the whole afternoon with Nolan he seems happy and all but sometimes I couldn't help that someone's really watching us.

Lou's POV

I was at my office staring at the glass window thinking of how to get Y/n's mind from thinking about that freak. I was pacing back and fort lost in my thoughts when suddenly.

"Sir we got some bad news." On of my robot said as i sat on my chair facing it.

"Well what is it?" I asked what intertwining my fingers while resting my arm on my desk.

"This something you have to see for your self." I said as it gives me a photo with Y/n and Nolan on it. My eyes widen filling it with anger as I crumbled the photo with my hands and throwing it on the floor.

I smacked my fist on my desk. "Why that little... I already told her to stay way from that imperfection! What cans she follow simple rules!" I said angrily pausing for a second as I thought of a plan.

"Follow rules..." I mumbled Amy face lighten up. "That's it!" Is said as snapped my fingers.

"Robot!" I called as one of my robots

"Yes sir?" The robot asked.

"Bring Y/n here, and tell her that she have committed a violation." I said with an evil grin on my face.

"What violation my i asked." The robot said politely making me annoyed.

"Jut bring her her and I'll tell her." I said trying to keep calm.

"Yes sir!" It replied.

Y/n's POV

"Bye Nolan! I s a fun day see ya." I said as I wave goodbye. "Bye Y/n! Nolan said as I walk out of his door.

"Miss Y/n?." A robot asked as it came up to me.

"Yes that's me, How can I help you?" I asked politely.

"Sir Lou would like me to bring you to his office right away." The robot relied making me shock yet curios at the same time.

"Wha-? Lou? Why?" I asked confused as I motions my hands showing my confusion.

"He said you have committed a violation." It replied making my jaw drop.

"What violation?" I asked again.

"He said he will be the one whose going to tell you." The robot said as I nodded following the robot.


I was following Louis's stupid robot to his freaking office. I as lost in my thoughts trying to retrace my steps thinking of what violation is it. I know that Louis will tell me later. But curiosity is killing me.

"OK let's get this straight... You went to class early. Nothing wrong with that. Then you participated in your class, still nothing's wrong. Then you went to have a chat with your best friend still nothings wrong.. So what? WHAT!" I mumbled. But my thoughts cut off again when I heard the robot speak

"We have arrived miss." It said as it opens up the door for me. Who new that robots could be such a gentlemen.

"Hello?" Is said knocking at the door as I push it open.

"I was expecting you." Lou said in a deep tone while staring at the giant glass window behind his desk.

"So why did you bring me here again?" I asked slightly confused.

"Sit." He said pointing on one of the chairs as I obeyed to do so.

"So what? Are we ganna sit her all day or are you ganna tell me what's going on?" I asked annoyed.

"Well sweetie-" he said as I cut him off.

"I have a name you know." I said boringly and annoyed.

"I know, but you do know why'd I asked my robots to sent you here." He said motioning his hands while looking at me with his half-lidded eyes again and smirk.

I was getting more confuse as usual, but so I'd just decided to ask. "Um..yes. So what is my violation again."

He checked his nail and while quickly looking at me smirking. "Well my robot just discovered that a your one of the perfect dolls that the factory made." He said smiling but in a deferent way.

"So..? What your ganna kill me because of that?" I said confused while motioning my hands showing my confusion.

Honesty when the time I talk to this doll I always end up with an empty mind.

"Kill you?" He said and laugh mockingly. "You have got to be-" he giggled. "Oh my doll Y/n you do know how to make a doll laugh." He said while wiping of his tears, as I look at him or confused.

"So, what does that means exactly?" I asked as he looked at me with an evil smirk on his face. Honestly I was scared for a second, until he said something that totally confused me.

"Which means is you have to stay with me here." He said in a deep to while his hand are on his back and smirked.


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