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Y/n's POV

    I was teaching my afternoon class and saw Tuesday staring at me.. And not in the good way. I know I'm use to be starred at..cause lucky doll, close to Lou for god sake..but I come to assume that she's planing something. And I need to know what.(girl remember the last time.. Bad time for meddling OK)


    Still a lovely afternoon in the institute. I was passing by and saw the deferent doll walking by.. I can't believe my eyes. For some reason Louis can I say this.. He's talking to them.. And not in a bad way.. I know you might be thinking..this is a trap, don't fall for it Y/n.. And I won't..

    I walk a bit more closer just to see what he's up to. I tilt my head to see and I heard Lou telling them something.

    "You did a great job today nice work." Louis complimented.

     "Really? gee.. Thanks.." Moxy replied.

    "Um.. Lou can we ask you something." Babo said.

    "Ask away.." Louis said.

    "What kind of thing did someone hit you with and you became this nice?" Wage asked.

    "Wage!" The gang said to Wage while Louis chuckled.

    "Well.. I didn't got hit in the head..but.." He smiled and looked down and back again. "There a special someone that made me open up my eyes." He said.

    "Well..who's the lucky doll?" Moxy asks him.

    "I can tell yet..but soon." Lou replied.

    "Well if you need some tips. You know where to call." Ugly dog said.

    Wage rolls her eyes. "Well if you want that doll to stay away from you..then you better listen to him." She said. Ugly dog ignored.

    "I'll keep that in mind." Lou replied while walking away.

    I starred following Lou of where he was headed (ohh~ stalker) but before I can take another step I saw Nolan again. I feel a bit guilty reacting him so I thought I should say sorry.

    "Nolan!" I called.

Nolan's POV

    I was walking down the street wondering around until I heard a familiar voice.

    "Nolan!" The voice called.

    I look back where the voice came from and saw if was Y/n again. My heart field with happiness and I rush over to see her. "I thought after that she'll start ignoring me from now on." I thought.

    "Hey Y/n. Is something you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

    "Yeah.. I come to say sorry.." She said with a apologetic look on her face.

    "Sorry?" I asked confused.

    "About earlier.. Sorry bout that.. Hope I didn't hurt your feelings..and.. I hope we can still be-" but before she can finish Lou grabbed her from behind and hugged her in a possessive and protective sort of way. "Ahh.." She cried before her back rested on Lou's chest.

WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LOVE YOU (Lou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now