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Lou's POV

I was in my office waiting patiently when Mandy rang me

" Hello Mandy, what is it?" I asked.

" She here". She answered from the other side of the phone.

"Good !bring her up" I said smirking.

"Yes Lou" Mandy said and hung up.

The door at my office opened slowly seeing Y/n entered slowly. Seeing her face got my self nervous. "Why are you nervous its just a doll... A really perfect doll... Why am I thinking like this she's just a doll that's perfect as you are" I said to myself in my head.

"Damn she's pretty" I thought.

"Hmph?"she asked.

" I just said that out loud?" I yelled. She shyly nodded her head saying yes. Looking at her I was red in the face what the bloody hell is going on with me? Why does my stomach feels weird? Its just a girl! What he damn hell is wrong with me?!?!!? I yelled inside my head.( honestly! haven't you've seen a pretty doll before? Geez!)

Y/n's POV

"Embarrassing! Utterly embarrassing! Somehow I couldn't shake the feeling that everyone and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE is judging me even though I haven't done anything wrong. Seriously these dolls need some serious help an optometrist might help or an ear doctor perhaps... Seriously his making fun of them and and their still fainting. What the heck is that!" I said to myself as I slowly walk inside. I snapped out of it when I herd Lou clears his throat lifting my head quickly paying attention.

I couldn't help noticing his face bloody red.

"What's wrong Y/n... Scared of me? Don't be afraid. I promise I wont hurt ya. He acted worried. " In you're dreams Louis. I'm more scared than other things better than you" I said inside my mind.

Forcing me to role my eyes and lean back on a comfy chair. He chuckled intertwining his fingers in a professional manner and said." Well anyway... I would like to talk about your behavior this earlier. Who knew that such a perfectly made doll like you could cause so much ruckus. And... Its your first day what a shame Y/n what. A. Shame... And that's obviously an imperfection". He leans towards his table glaring at me." Well other than that. I...can't just find another flaw on you. You know?... Well maybe not yet. Well I don't mean that actually. Well made... Almost as beautiful as I am". While his orbs traveled up and down, scanning the every single detail of my face. I couldn't help my heart but just melt from the feeling his eyes pierce into.

And I scanned his face. Admiring his neat golden hair,sightly messy. His nose were cute and pointy... Those lips and those eyes...those perfect ocean blue eyes.(ohh!brother!)

I couldn't just help myself from looking at them but something he said totally flipped me of "Done admiring, sweetheart?" His
half-lidded eyes flirtatiously started took into mine and smirks again.

"Well Y/n... I'll have a deal with you OK... A soft-heated gentleman like just can't give a pretty doll such I am a harsh punishment. So I'll give two more chance...two. And if you cause anymore trouble in your final attempt you'll have an extra professional training. With me". He said smugly, as if it was such a blessing for me if I had to spent the rest of the day with him.

"Well its not like you have a choice... I've got all my eyes on you darling. And if I say all I mean EVERY. CORNER. OF. WHERE. ARE. YOU GOING... And if anything happens... I'll the one whose first to know". He smirks.

I stuffed back in frustrated and disbelief. I straighten up my posture tried to look confident. "I didn't do anything wrong! I was just passing by,trying to-". But before I could Finnish Lou cut me of and laughs.

"Ah...yes. I know, I understand its your first day, and you don't know the rules yet, but..."

I furrowed my eyes signaling him to continue.

"Its against our protocol to not pay attention to your teacher". He said making me confused.

"You were, performing then." I said curiously.

"Yes...but, I'm still your teacher...so...you should pay attention to me and only... me. Got that starshine." He smirks.

"Can I go now?" I asked annoyed.

"Alright you can go now... But so remember-"
I cut him off before he can finish.

"Two more chances and I'm dead... I know." I answered annoyed while I continued his sentence. He laughed.

"Feisty are we Y/n? Well see you in class. He said. As he leans closer and stopped by my ear and whispers."Pretty makes perfect dolly, and I'll make sure you'll be more perfect than you already than you are now...hmph."  He threaten and stood up in straight posture and continued." And I will never let you leave until you're perfect...well maybe I might never let you go at all". He said.

He stopped smirking from the last word. It was terrifying though. His face was dark and intimidating. But just for a second, until putting confident smile he always had back on. And I left.

Lou's POV

I saw Y/n left really annoyed while I was looking through the window seeing her speed walking down the street as I talk to my self. "Playing hard to get. Huh...Y/n? I know you're smart and you will stay out of trouble just to reach your dreams like everybody else...but. Even though I just have to get you into trouble. And if that time comes you'll be mine". I said to my self with an evil smile on my face planing the day for Y/n.

( hey sister like the story? Leave a comment if you do. Peace!)

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