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A/n:Holy mother of dolls! I can't thank you enough for all the support on this book. So for now here's another chapter.

Warning :long chapter

Y/n's POV

    Earlier today, I was crying so hard because of what Louis said to me.. All the bad comments, words...its just.. I don't know any more.. I'm soo tired of Louis telling me what to do. Don't do this, can't do that! Who does he think he is the leader...well...scratch that part.

    As Louis speed walks along with his arm wrapped around me I saw most girls glaring at me. I didn't care about it that much though. Which I weird by the way is that awkward moment bout me and Nolan. What was I thinking!? You can't fall in love with your best friend! Can you?

     Anyway... As me and Louis walk, I can feel the pain in one of my foot. I didn't care bout it though… even though its painful. What I do care about is Louis telling me what to do again. I can't just take it anymore..

     I finally snap back to reality and let's go of Louis's grip.. I grabbed his arm and remove it away from my shoulder making us stop on our tracks.

    I took a step back and stared at Louis with anger as he glares at me. "Y/n, let's go!" He shouts. "No!" I shouted back. "What!?" He asked while shouting. "I said NO!" I said standing up straight even though my foot is sore.

    He glared at me and smirk. Which is odd though, how can you smirk in a time like this. "No huh?…Come here!" He said while picking me up in bridal style. "Wait what let me go! Get a grip! I don't want to go with you!" I shouted while squirming. "Would. You. Please. Stop. Squirming. You're making it hard for the both of us." He said while struggling to carry me.

    He continued walking as I continued fighting him as we reached his limousine. Then he tossed me inside like I was a sack of something. "Hey!" I yelled. "Now stay!" He said pointing at me before slamming the door in front of my face. I tried to get out but both of the door was locked.

    Lou went to the front of the limousines and sit right next to the driver. I crossed my arms and let's and notice Lou looking at me though the mirror. He adjusted it looking at me head to toe thinking he notice that I'm dirty. He looked back and looked at me the same way he did before. I glared and looked away.

    He sigh. "What did I say about dolls getting messy peaches?" He asked. I glared. "Hey you cannot say what ever you feel like, honestly you don't own me." I said sassily as he sat back properly. "We'll fix you later darling, but now, we'll have a little talk once we've arrived." He said in a deep tone not bothering to look. "My name isn't-" I said cutting my self off and growled at him.


    You arrive at Lou's mansion and he opened the door for you. Unfortunately you're to stubborn to even look at him. He sigh. "Are you coming out of there or not?" He asked keeping his temper. You didn't answer. He aggressively closed his eyes and look away. "Why this little-" he mumbled. Clearly his already losing his patients.

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