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Y/n's POV

   "WHAT!" I shouted, jumping out of my chair as I smack my fist onto his desk. He looked at me for being disrespectful and loud but didn't care. I just furrowed my brows at him. "Why should I ?" I sales still angry but a little softer this time.

   "Well the rules said that every perfection need to be together, so you have to stay here. With me." He said smugly. "Rules are rules." He added and smirked.

   "What rules?" I asked crossing my arms leaning back. He snapped his fingers and a robot came holding a large book and stood in front of me.

   "It says here miss, that every perfection needs to be with each other until the final test arrives." I said as leaned forward to see.

   "Let me see that." I said as started reading the book out loud.

Section 58/ Rule 756

            All perfection need to be with each other until the final test arrive which known as the gauntlet. All dolls female/male that had been made perfectly by he factory will be complied.

          If not you will be given a certain punishment if regards of violating this rule.
This is signed by Louis which also known as
our first pro-

    "Hey!" I tells as Louis shut the book close while I was still reading making the robot go away. What is he even hiding?

    "Well known enough?" He ask, he looks fine but his eyes showed that he's hiding something.

     "Yes...! But what's that 'pro' in the last part?" I asked as his eyes suddenly widen.

    "Never mind that. Well have you heard enough?" He asked motioning his hands with an evil smirk. I just stared. "Well if you do, your staying with me now." He said smugly, as if I will stay here for the rest of my life.

    "What if I don't want to?" I said softly but angrily. Leaving him with a wide eye.

      "Well...just like the rule said, you'll be given a certain punishment for that." He said in a deep voice threatening me. But I didn't care, I just scoffed and smiled.

     "I thought you said you can't give a harsh punishment." I said crossing my arms pushing a small smile.

    "Well..I did said that didn't I?" He said walking around with his hand behind his back. "Well it think we need to punish someone, do we?" He said facing me smirking.

    "Wh-What do you mean by that?" I said, honesty I was scared but I didn't showed him that. So just acted that I didn't care.

    "Um... Maybe a certain doll, that's ugly enough to take your place.. Maybe someone 'important' to you.." He said going to my side of the desk and smirk. At first didn't know what me mean, but for a second of thinking I through I finally realized who's doll is it.

    "N-Nolan?" I said as my voice shook a bit wondering what will happened to him if he did.

     He snapped his finger, motioning that I has the right answer."Right answer! Way the go sweetheart." He said.

     "'re serious? I don't understand, how could you do-" I paused for as second putting my hand on my pocket and I felt something. I slowly pull it out and seeing the photo of Lou with the green bunny on it, then I smiled and looked at him mor confident. "What if i told you that you have a friend that's uglier than Nolan?" I smirked leaving him confused.

    "Wh-what do you mean by that a perfect doll such as I cant be friends with an imperfection." He said putting his hands on his chest, regaining his same expression but I know he's lying.

     "Well let see- " I paused and looked at ghim with and evil smirk with his eyes widen up. "What if I told everyone that their perfect leader has an imperfect friend! Hmph!" I said pulling out the photo out with my two fingers showing it to him, he looked terrified. "How can you explain your self Louis? To all the dolls that looked up to you, how?! How?!" I acted dramatic and smiled the most annoying smile that I could thing of, I sworn I heard him gulp but he didn't noticed.
    "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?" He literally screamed. He seemed scared and angry. The atmosphere got so tense and threatening. His face god dark and sadistic.   and tried to snatch it from but I didn't let him. He grits his teeth as he waits for me to answer.

     I stumbled back. My eyes widen up for a second but I finally snapped back to reality. "Uh,uh,uh! Sorry Louis but the jokes on you!" I said as I sat back down crossing legs twirling the photo around the air ,smiling. But my hand were shaking.
I don't really want to do this but it the only way for me to keep myself and my friends safe.

     He curled up his hands and started to turn into fist as he hissed through his teeth.

     "Lets make another deal, shall we?" I said calmly, motioning one of my hands while I wait for his answer.

     He sigh crossing his arms as he leans back to his desk. "Hm... Fine! What do you want?" He said bitterly in defeat.

    "Well I can't ask you to let me go, but..." I whispered. "Leave my friends alone! If you hurt Nolan, Mandy, or any of my friends, If I caught you near or lay a finger on my friends you'll be sorry." I said in a monotone voice threatening him.

     "You do care about those things that much do you?" He said calmly, but can tell that he's still scared.

     I stood up my chair and planted my finger on his chest and said."You wont understand me ,because you don't care about anybody but your self, you don't love anybody, its only you, you, and YOU! And don't call my friend 'things'."

     He smirk gaining back his usual attitude, grabbing my wrist ,removing may hand from his chest. "Well who could blame, I'm perfect." He said putting his hands on his chest praising himself and smirk. I looked at him so disgust as he grabs my jaw facing me in his detection.

      "All of you are nothing without me. So you better watch that mouth of your before i take it." He said in a deep voice threatening me. I furrowed my brows looking through his piercing blue eyes. And let's go. But I know there's a hidden clue under those words, but what does he mean by the last word.

    "Let's settle you in shall we." He added as I follow him up stares. I hate you Louis! I reply do.




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