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Y/n's POV

As Louis speed walks with me with my arm still wrapped around his arms. I saw poor  Nolan looking down at the floor,walking as fast as he can,he seems crying bit I can't really tell in afar of distance. We finally arrived near the limousine as Louis opens the door for me.

"Well..what are you waiting for?..hop inside?" He said. I looked at him with dead eyes and raised my eyebrow waiting for him to answer my question. "Ugh..I'll tell you, when we arrive at my office. So let's go." He said and I went inside.

Louis closed the door and went to the other side of the car. I tilt my head a little and notice Nolan from afar looking so sad i think Louis noticed him too. But he didn't look so happy about it.

Lou's POV

I saw Nolan frowning at me from Y/n's side of the car. I think Y/n noticed him too. So i smirked at him and my personal driver drove off as soon as we hopped on.

I looked at Y/n and noticed her not moving a muscle. She was just leaning against the window with a frown on her face while fiddling her fingers, she always does that when she's bored or annoyed.

"You OK Y/n?" I asked.

She quickly looked at me and smile slightly.
" I'm fine." She mumbled but its loud enough for me to hear, and went back to what she's doing earlier.

I guess she's still thinking about leaving Nolan alone back there. But still I can't let a imperfect doll get close to a perfect one.

Y/n's POV

"Keep working on it Louis it might just fool me" I said inside my head. This devil might be planing something, but what? We're just having a little chat that's all and why is he calling me those pet names? Strange something fishy is going on.


Me and Louis already arrived at his house. And if I say 'house' it means a three story mansion. Honestly it was so big one doll can easily get lost in it. I kinda felt bad for him being all alone in his big house. We walk in as soon as possible and went straight to his office.

I sat down near his desk facing each other. Looking around made me feel a little weird.
Why? I'll tell you why, his face were everywhere and i mean EVERYWHERE, on walls, celling even statues of himself. But I finally snapped out of it.

"So..why did you bring me here again?" I asked looking at the floor fiddling my fingers.

"Oh Y/n.. Haven't you noticed? You keep coming to class early even though its way to early for you to come. And you hanging out with Nolan." He said in the most sweet-fake voice of all time.

"So your point is?" I asked looking at him with confusion as I watched him get up from his chair and walk over from my side of the table staring down at me while I'm looking at my fiddling finger again.

"Y/n I know your perfect, and Nolan...well not even close to nice, well you can easily say his not perfect at all. And well you see perfect and imperfect just weren't made for each other. It was only meant to be perfect with another perfect..."

I thought for a second trying to understand what he was talking about, but it just made me more confused.

"Wait wh-! I'm so sorry Louis, but I think we're not on the same page." I said quickly, looking at him confused.

WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LOVE YOU (Lou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now