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In the far part of the Galaxy, Xandar is the Home of Nova Corps. However, Xandar was Under attacked by a Group of Villains, The land was on fire with Orange sky while it's filled with smoke, Many Homes destroyed, Many lives taken away. Nova Corps is now gone as all of their Nova Soldiers are on the ground laying Lifeless, Nearly everything on Xandar is gone, as a Strange alien with a Big forehead walks over the Dead Nova soldiers and started to speak in a Calm tone.

" You all are about to die from the Hands of Thanos and His assistants, Ultron, Annihilus, Doctor Doom, And the Children of Thanos. Unless One of you are living, To tell us where is the Power stone." Said Ebony Maw as Corvus stabs a Nova soldier in the chest with his sharp blade.

Ultron walks and picks up Irani from the ground as she is still alive but badly hurt, With blood running from her head and Bruised arms. " Listen to us Foolish Human! Tell us where is the Power stone" Said Ultron as Irani started to shake in terror, She refuses to tell them where the Power stone is kept at, Until Dr. Doom appears with a orb on his hands.

" Their is no need for that Ultron, Doom has found it" Said Dr.Doom, After those words were spoken, A tall purple man with a Golden Gauntlet turns around after viewing Xandar Chaos.

" In all my life, Their is only one goal I had, To balance the Universe...Yet I ignored that Once, But I won't do it again" Said Thanos as Dr.Doom tosses the Orb at him and Thanos catches it, He then manages to open the Orb revealing the Power stone and he gives a smirk.

While The villains are seeing the Power stones, Sam Alexander is Hiding with Richard Rider ( The Nova Right Now) as they both are are panicked and Scared.

" W-what do we do...This is bad news for the entire universe Richard... We are doomed!" Whispered Sam and Richard took a deep Breath and placed his hands on Sam's Shoulders.

" Sam...Go to Earth and Warn the Avengers about what's coming...Unite other team of superheroes for the sake of the Universe sam...We can't Let Thanos achieve his goal...We Can't let him reach the other Five Infinity stones...There are two on earth, And three in the Galaxy. Promise me you will prevent thanos to achieve all of the Infinity stones..." whispered Richard and Sam Nodded Slowly.

" B-But...What about you?....What are you gonna do?.." whispered a worried Sam, Richard turns his head to Thanos and he gives a Mad face and replied " I'm gonna try to stop thanos..."

" W-what!" Whispered Sam, " Y-you Can't! He will kill you!..." Sam whispered as Richard looks back at him with sad eyes, " Look...Whatever happens, Just keep Flying to earth Sam...Please" Said Richard and Sam is lost for words.

Thanos takes out the Power stone and he slowly places it on one of the Holes on the Gauntlet, As the stone merges with the Infinity Gauntlet, It send Thanos a Powerful Radiation through his veins and he Groans a Bit in pain as the Pain goes away and he looks down at his Gauntlet with the Power stone.

" My destiny starts, Five more to go" Said Thanos.

" Only two of the Infinity stones are located on Planet Earth, The Time stone, and the Mind stone, Yet there are a group of heroes called ' The avengers' Who have two members wielding the two stones" Said Ultron.

Annihilus flys down to the ground " And three are located here on the Galaxy! One in Asgard, One in Knowhere, and the last one is Mystery! The soul stone is somewhere where I don't even know where it is" Said Annihilus

" Hmph, I see...mostly all of you have to find me those last Five Stones for me-" While Thanos was talking he was attacked by Nova ( Richard) as He tackled him using his Nova Powers, Thanos was Tackled to the wall as Nova was still on him, Black dwarf was attending To attack Nova but Ebony Maw stops him.

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