Chapter 1

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"Its you're senior year, Connor. You are not missing the first day!" Your mother scolded.

Your twin brother Connor rolled his eyes and sighed. "I already said I'd go tomorrow," he spoke, finding any excuse he can to skip school. This was typical for him. "What's the big deal, it's just one day!"

Your father set down the newspaper he was reading and looked over at his wife. "He doesn't listen," he said as he looked Connor up and down. "Look at him, he's probably high."

"He's definitely high." Your sister, Zoe, added.

"Fuck you!" Connor yelled at her.

"Fuck you, too!" Zoe shouted back.

You sighed as you glanced over at your brother. This was a typical first day back to school in the Murphy house. Connor was doing what he did best, trying to find some way to skip out on school, and your mother was stuck trying to convince him otherwise. And while you got along just fine with both of your siblings, Zoe and Connor's relationship was very rocky. They were almost always going at it in one way or another.

And of course, there was your father, Larry, sitting there reading the paper as he did every morning before he ran off to spend an absurd amount of time at work. Most see lawyers as pure evil, and while you knew deep down he was a good man, sometimes it seemed like your father was no different than your typical lawyer.

In a way, you were sort of the middle child of the family. Though you and Connor were twins, he was technically born first, but only by a few minutes. Because your parents were usually focused on playing referee for your siblings, you usually spent the morning in your own world, getting lost in your thoughts. You tried to keep your head down, doing whatever you could to leave the house in one piece. Not like you wanted to go to school any more than Connor did, but you knew good and well it would do nothing but burn off the little bit of energy you had for the day, and you knew you couldn't afford to do that.

"I don't want you going to school high, Connor!" Your mother was clearly tired of trying to reason with him, but somehow she found the strength to not give up.

"Well great, so then I won't go! Thanks, mom," Connor said with a smug look that told you he was beyond sure he'd won the argument before racing upstairs to his room.

Your father simply scoffed at your brothers behavior. His gaze shifted from his paper over to you as you picked up your now empty cereal bowl and placed it in the sink. "Damn it, Y/N, why the hell aren't you ready for school yet? How hard is it for you to just get ready and be on time for class?" Your father scolded, and all you could do is roll your eyes.

"I'm getting to that right now. Maybe you can't tell because your nose is buried deep in those terrible articles about why women don't deserve rights, but I'm clearly up and moving around," you spoke sourly, which did not amuse your father.

"Don't you use that tone with me, young lady! Now get your ass upstairs and get ready for class before I drag your ass there myself!"

As you turned to head up the stairs, ignoring your father, your mother called after you. "Y/N, when you're up there, can you bring try to convince your brother to go to school?" Because of your strong bond with him, your mother knew she could count on you when she needed help getting through to him, but only when you chose to oblige with her wishes, of course.

Today, you were feeling particularly helpful. So after you threw together an outfit, you made your way over to Connors room.

Zoe left you and Connor at home because apparently you guys didnt get ready fast enough for her, so she left without you guys, so you both had to walk to school. You and Connor ended up being about 15 minutes late to class.

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