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Aru walked throughout Amaravti, recalling the ancient stories that her mother used to tell her. Ever since Aru got her father back, weird things have been happening to Aru, such as lost memories resurfacing. Aru gripped her head as it started buzzing feverishly.

The lines on her face burned as the buzzing grew louder. Aru fell to her knees crying and begging for the burning to stop. Finally, the buzzing and burning died down and she collapsed on the floor. Aru panted, breathless. She sighed in relief and grimaced at the same time.

"I wonder how Harry Potter went through this. Then again, his scar wasn't given to him because he spewed out a prophecy like some crazy oracle." Aru thought to herself.

Aru walked back to the fake Kalpavriksha, and sure enough, no one was there. Aru took some time to close her eyes and just breath, not realizing that she was soon going to drift off to sleep.


Aiden wandered aimlessly looking for Aru in the Bazaar. Once again she had disappeared from the group. Last time she was at the Amaravati tree, so Aiden went there to look.

As soon as he went in, he was welcomed by the serenity of the tree and everything around it. Sleeping on the trunk of the tree was none other than Aru Shah. He noticed a small sliver of drool making its way down her face, as her facial features that showed no emotion before, were now calm and relaxed.

Aiden smiled as he slowly made his way towards Aru's sleeping figure. With Shadowfax in his right hand, he took little snapshots of the supposed "sleeping angel" as Brynne called her. Aru stiffened as she suddenly wrapped her hands around Aiden, like a teddy bear. Aiden was startled at first but soon welcomed the love his girlfriend offered to him with no distress to ruin the moment. Soon he too escaped to the refuge of the land of sleep

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛Vincent the Time Skip ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

Aru woke up a few hours later, the Amaravati sky now a dark shade of blue. She groaned as she pushed Aiden off of her. She took a second look at him before she screamed, "AIDEN!"

Aiden tumbled away, as he yelped, his scimitars ready for bloodshed, "Who! What! When! Where! Why!? HUH?"

Aiden was freaked out, but he relaxed when he saw Aru's annoyed figure standing in front of him. Aiden grinned sheepishly, rubbing his right leg behind his left.

Aru looked mad, "What were you doing Aiden?"

Aiden smiled innocently, "Sleeping?"

"You were invading my personal bubble," Aru said.

"Well, you were asleep! How was I supposed to know that I would fall asleep too?"

"If you were going to fall asleep, you should've done it a little farther from me."

It was Aiden's turn to get mad, "I would have scooted a little farther if you hadn't held me like a teddy bear! What's with that anyway? Can't you sleep pro-"

Aiden stopped abruptly seeing Aru's eyes swell with tears, "Wait. Aru. I didn't mean to-"

"Save it," Aru snapped, "I don't need an apology. Just- Just go. I-I'm not in the mood to talk to yo-anyone."

Aiden stared at her, his eyes searching for hers, but she simply wouldn't look at him. Aiden sighed and nodded at Aru, deciding to leave her alone for a bit. He eventually left, leaving Aru to sob near the roots of the fake Kalpavriksha.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛Bartholomew the Time Skip ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

Boo was worried. He hadn't talked to the Potatoes all day and was worried something had happened to them. From the "birds nest" that was now his "hooman" lookout (he insisted on saying hooman after he learned about memes), he spotted Aru sitting at the roots of the wish tree, crying. He immediately jumped off the balcony forgetting that he couldn't fly, and started to scream on the way down.

Aru swiveled her head towards the noise, as her eyes widened in fear. She raced towards Boo, pushing a cot she found in a corner, under him. He landed with a thud. Aru's fear soon turned to anger.

" WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT BOO!?!? YOUR NOT A FREAKING BIRD ANYMORE! YOU CAN'T GO JUMPING OF ROOFS AND FLY! WE- I could have lost you Boo..... I don't think I could bear that. We're your Family!'

Boo looked down, shame written all over his face like an open book, " I-I'm sorry Aru. I just saw you crying and I wanted to help! I just feel so useless! You all look down on me and I just wanted to help. I'm sorry I caused you so much distress. But if you wanna talk about what happened... I'm here."

Aru's eyes softened as she looked at her friend, "It's okay Boo. I don't really want to talk, but if it'll make me AND you feel better...I guess it's worth a shot.

Boo brightened and asked, "Over Oreos?"

" Over Oreos," Aru replied confidently, stifling an oncoming giggle.

Boo quickly went up to bring a few oreos down from his lookout, and the two sat down under the tree to eat and talk. Aru was doing most of the talking, while Boo was busy eating and hiding oreos.

"Aiden and I got into a little fight," Aru started.

Boo's eyes went wide, "You and Aiden never fight. At least not seriously."

Aru nodded, "Honestly, it wasn't even that big of a deal. He was just sleeping next to me. I just don't know what came over me. I feel like, since the prophecy says that I'm supposed to save the day, distancing myself from the others could keep them safe. They're a liability for me, and I love them too much to see them hurt. I died for them before, Boo, and I'll do it again and again if it means that they'll be safe."

Aru was at the brink of tears now. Boo nodded solemnly," I get it Aru, I really do. "

Aru eyes raged, " Do you though? Do you understand what it's like to be in love with someone, and push them away to keep them safe? Boo, you betrayed us! What do YOU, of all people, know about love," Aru screamed, tears flowing freely now.

Tears of his own, filled Boo's eyes, " You want to know something Aru? I remember. I REMEMBER EVERYTHING FROM MY PAST LIFE! ALL THE MISTAKES! THE BETRAYALS! And most of all..... What it was like to be in love. I had a wife Aru. A beautiful, smart, and loving wife. It was an arranged marriage, but we fell in love through it. Her name was Arshi. We had three children. I loved her with my whole heart, but my determination to defeat the Kauravas from within is too much for her to handle, and so we grew distant. As if that wasn't enough, I angered a rishi as a child. I went hunting with my father. I mistook the rishi for an antelope, and shot his leg. My father begged the rishi to forgive us and let us go, but he cursed me. He cursed me to hate those I love. When I loved my wife, the determination to kill Duryodhana drove me to the point where I started hating my wife for caring about me. I still ended up dying on the side of the Kauravas during the Kurukshetra War against the original Pandavas, but that was not before I weakened Duryodhana, and knew all his secrets. You see Aru, I DO know. I know everything you're going through. It's clear that you're still young, but you need guidance. I'll be here for you when you truly need me. Until then, if you want to be alone, you're alone," Boo stood up, munching on an Oreo cookie. He smiled at Aru before climbing back up to his lookout. Aru sat there, shocked. Boo went through that much, and she was so horrible to him. Again, she didn't know what to do. However, one thing was clear: She had to go home, pack her bags, and defeat Keira, and she knew how she was going to do it. ALONE.


Ahhhhhhhhh  The wonderful art of Cliffhangers


Trip and PLB

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