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Boo watched as Mini fell to dirt, "Mini!"

She groaned, as he picked her up (as much as he could with those tiny ten year old hands) and set her sitting upright on a tree trunk. Boo said a prayer to God, before smacking Mini in the face a few times to wake her up.

Mini woke up, startled that a ten year old knew how to hit so hard. She caressed her, now sore, cheek before asking Boo why he slapped her. Boo explained everything he witnessed, and Mini only nodded in understanding.

"So," Mini started, "How long have you been gone?"

Boo shrugged, "A couple of hours. I tried to follow Aru, met up with Urvashi instead, got cured with a plant, and then lost Aru. I didn't know the way back to camp, so now, I'm a sitting pigeon in the woods, with no food. So, I might as well try and look for Aru in the forest. She can't be far," he gulped, "I hope."

Mini looked at the ten year old before bursting into a fit of giggles at his explanation. Boo pouted, but Mini took no notice. She pulled out some Oreos out of her backpack and gave them to Boo, who cheerfully took them off her hands. He realized that he should get going if he was ever going to find Aru, so Boo bid Mini goodbye, and she thanked him for making her laugh.

Mini decided to go back to camp, but on her way, a certain Naga Prince found his way to her. He watched from behind a tree as Mini grew closer and closer to his location. When she got close enough, Rudy jumped out from behind the tree, making Mini fall back and onto her butt. Rudy laughed and offered the poor girl a hand, which she gratefully accepted. They decided to sit down under a tree and talk before heading back to the campsite.

"So.....-" Rudy started.

Before he could finish, Mini started to snicker.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Rudy questioned.

" Y-YOUR FACE!! I-IT'S COVERED IN MARKER AND YOU HAVE SOME SHAVING CREAM ON YOUR CHIN!" Mini blurted out, but not before making a strange face.

Her expression soon morphed into a mask of worry. Rudy frowned and tried to ask what was wrong,

" If you're not careful, you could get a disease from that shaving cream covered in Bacteria, and the marker will give you skin cancer. Like, it'll seep into your bloodstream, AND THEN YOU'LL DIE!!" Mini wailed, burying her face in her hands.

Rudy blinked. Once, twice. Until he burst out laughing.

" Now here is the Mini we all know! Having unlimited theories on how you could die! " Rudy stated, soon placing seriousness in his eyes, slowly narrowing them. " You need to tell me what happened. I'm really worried about you! Like as a friend. Well not like that, just like! URG! YOU HAVE FAILED ME, WORDS! " Rudy cursed not so silently.

Mini chuckled but not before slightly frowning at being friendzoned and rejected, again.

" Oh, forget it. You have failed me, brain. Time for plan 2. The Gut. Uh... Do I get a do over?" Rudy stammered, blushing bright red.

Mini also started going red as she quietly told him that he could.

" Look, I was really worried because..."

Mini's face morphed into confusion as she continued his statement,

"Because I'm a good friend?"

That took Rudy by surprise, "Well, No..."

Mini's eyes showed hurt and sadness as one, "So...I'm not a good friend?"

"NO! No, no no. no, you're a really good friend! It's just.." Rudy tried again.

Mini was officially confused, "What are you trying to say?"

Rudy buried his head in embarrassment, " What I'm trying to say is.... Er... I-"

Mini chuckled, "Based on your beads of sweat and aggressive eye movements, I would conclude that you are very nervous. Just spit it out. I won't bite. Promise! But if you hurt me..." She left the sentence hanging.

That was it. Rudy couldn't take it anymore(man these Potato people are weak man). "I er.... I li- l-l, Grrrrrrrr! Quit failing me, brain," Rudy muttered. "What I'm trying to say is........ Um........ Oh forget this. I LIKE YOU! Like, I like-like you" He finished quietly.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕒𝕞𝕡 𝕠𝕗 𝔻𝕦𝕣𝕪𝕠𝕕𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕒Where stories live. Discover now