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 Kiera was starving. That's plainly it.

Kara and Kiera were taking a break from messing with the Potatoes, and wanted to eat. Kara was in charge of making the food. Kiera set up a blanket and everything. However, Kara being Kara, didn't know that she was supposed to make the food, so when the time came for them to sit down for their indoor picnic, both girls were utterly confused as to where the food was.

"Kara. You were supposed to bring the food," raged Kiera.

Kara scoffed and retaliated, "Ummm. No I wasn't. I thought you were bringing the food."


Kara flinched a little, "Okay then, let me stop time for a sec, and you'll get your food in no time. Ok? Ha! Get it? No time?"

Kiera backed down, "No. No. No. I can wait. does that even work? Aren't you supposed to enter a time if you want to microwave burritos?"

Kara waved her off, "Eh. I'll make it work."

Kiera's eye's widened, "No wai-"

Kara snapped her fingers, cutting the girl's sentence in half.

"Now. How do you work a microwave," Kara thought to herself. Being pulled out from death definitely has

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It was already the next morning (none of the Potatoes could get any sleep, and Rudy and Mini had returned from their little rendezvous) when Sheela was alert and active. As soon as the group was ready, she stood there sassily, and put her hands on her hips.

" Okay! Enough moping around! We've been in this same spot for what, like 5 days? If Aru keeps running away then it's up to us to find her! Because we are family! Remember what Boo said?" She abruptly stopped. Her eyes closed, and she gasped, no doubt having a vision. Sheela opened her eyes, and smiled cheekily, "Okay, Potatoes! Listen up! I'm going to tell you a tale of the sunken City of Dwaraka. Also, is it just me, or is Boo missing too?"

The Potatoes looked around and confirmed that Boo was missing. Aiden just shrugged, knowing that the boy could take care of himself. The others soon followed his lead, and shrugged, when Mini told them of her encounter with Boo, and him being healed by Urvashi. They all found it extremely weird that Urvashi helped Boo, but meh. At least he was okay.

Sheela directed everyone to sit on the floor, as she told them about her most detailed vision yet. She told them the story of Sri Krishna. She talked about his feats of grandeur, him helping Arjuna in battle by telling him the Bhagavad Gita, and even how he died 10 days before his city sank in a tsunami that started the Kali Yuga (the modern age). In one of her stories, she told the Potatoes of a looking box that could show you what your heart most desired. For Aiden, that was Aru. So now, their first course of action was to figure out how to get to Dwaraka.

They all looked to Brynne for an answer to Dwaraka's location. Brynne sighed, and closed her eyes. A small hurricane encompassed her, as she tried to find out the location of the sunken city. When she opened her eyes, the hurricane disappeared. Brynne shook her head, indicating that not even she could find Dwaraka.

Welp. They're in a pickle now. Aren't they? EW! Pickled Potatoes...ew.


Finally we're going on a Adventure~!

~PLB and Trips

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