Look Who's Back

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"Hey hey look who's here," Herrmann called as Gabby walked into the fire house.
"Hey guys," she smiled hugging them all one by one.

Casey walked into the room.

"Hey babe," Gabby smiled.
"What are you doing here?" He replied.
"I'm here for shift, the doctor cleared me this morning."

Shay looked between the two of them and knew something was up.

"Ah, I-I gotta go change," Gabby mumbled and walked towards the bathrooms with Shay following behind her.
"Dawson what's going on with you and Casey?"
"Nothing," she replied blankly.
"Don't give me that. What's going on? Normally when your fiancée gets injured or whatever people bend over backwards to make sure you're okay. Casey doesn't even want to look at you."
"I'm pregnant," she blurted out.
"Oh crap. We aren't supposed to be telling anyone damn it."
"Alright calm down a second. You're pregnant, and Caseys giving you the cold shoulder? I thought he wanted kids."
"Yeah, he does want kids. That's the problem," she sighed.
"What about you?"
"I don't know."
"Is this about becoming a fire fighter?"
"No," Gabby replied getting teary and shaking her head.
"Then what?"
"I don't know if Im ready. I'm scared Shay, what if I stuff up?"
"You won't Dawson. Your kids going to love you."
"But what if Casey..."
"No buts Dawson, you're gonna kick ass just like you always do," she said wrapping her arms around her. "Why don't you go home, Rapherty can finish the shift with me."
"Okay, I need to get my head straight. I can't be around Casey like this."

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