[Chapter 2 pt 1]: The werido on maple street

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Thunder crashes and rain pours covering the night sky. Then it leads to a quiet basement to reveal the party looking at this mysterious girl.


"Is there a number we can call? For your parents?" Mike says softly.

"Her hair.... do you have cancer?" Dustin says cautiously.

"Dustin... the poor girl has probably been through a lot shush." I say annoyed but with empathy I mean I'm not sure why I think I've seen her somewhere.

"Did she run away?" Lucas asks still shook

"Are in some kind of trouble?" Mike says softly again

"Is that blood.." Lucas says as he reaches out his hand for her shirt.

But mike smacks it away

"Stop it your freaking her out!"

"She's freaking me out!"

"I bet she's deaf!" Dustin says as he claps his hands in front of her to see if she's deaf.

She flinches obviously

"Nope not deaf."

I hit Dustin in the arm

"Alright that's enough! She's scared and cold."
Mike demands going to grab clothes

Thunder crashes as the girl closes her eyes in fear.

"Hey it's okay, your safe now we aren't going to hurt you." I say rubbing her shoulder in a comforting way she tenses up at first but then realizes I wasn't really going to hurt her.

"Here these are clean okay?" Mike reassures softly

She grabs the clothes and rubs it against her cheek.

Then she gets up and starts to lift up her long shirt.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Mike yells as Dustin yells "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD." Looking away

"See that's the bathroom privacy, get it." Mike claims painting at the door

I walk her there.

"Alright just change and we will be here okay?" I say as soft as I can

She nods

I start closing it but she swipes her hand to stop it.

"Oh you don't want it closed?"


"Oh so you can talk well how about we leave it like this? Better? I say leaving it 3inches open.


I walk away towards the boys to give her privacy.

"This is mental." Dustin says as I roll my eyes

"At least she can speak." Mike reassures

"Yea poor girl she seems very scared" I defend

"She said yes and no your 3 year old sister says more." Lucas complains

"She tried to get naked!" Dustin cry's

Oh my lord he will never get over that.

"there is seriously something wrong with her like wrong in the head." Lucas replies ignoring what Dustin just said

"She just tried to go like____" Dustin impressions.

"I bet she escaped from pinhers!" Lucas whispers

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