[Chapter 7 pt 2]: The Bathtub

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I look off my sweater because it had started to get hot I tied my Jacket on my waist revealing my small wings that would soon develop now I knew why I had a lot of back pains growing up it was these things developing in my genes. I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear familiar voices. Too familiar.

I get out of the bus and they all turned to me and I had forgotten that I had my jacket off so it revealed my wings, but it was them. The party, my friends.

"Holy shit. Emma?!" Dustin asked me walking towards me.

"Yea I wouldn't wanna be anybody else!" I said looking at the party happily.

They all ran to me and hugged me it felt nice to be with them it's been a couple of days since I've seen them.

"Sorry... I didn't save yo-" El was about to say but I cut her off.

"No! That's my fault! None of this was your responsibility in the first place! I went away."

She nods in response.

"By the way Emma what's with the fake wings." Mike asked me I can see where he's going with this considering that he's never seen anyone with wings.

"These aren't fake when the bad men took me see they tattooed me." I said while showing my sign with 'OOX' Eleven grabbed my hand in shock and looked at it and smiled at me seeing she wasn't the only one.

"So? Those small wings of yours are real?" Mike asked me confused.

"Yes." I said as I started flapping them.

They all groan in amazement.

"There's another thing I can create things with this so called spirit energy."

"What?!" They all say in sync.

"Yeah it's kinda cool and it's not like an illusion. It's real." I say as I crumble my hand and a small butterfly came out of it.

Is flied to Mikes nose causing him to sneeze.

They all look at me in shock.

It's silent until Mike speaks up.

"I'm just glad your back it wasn't the same without you."

"Thanks." I smiled.

We all embrace in a group hug until we create a small map planing where to go next.

"This is Randolph road, right here." Lucas says pointing at a corner.

"The fence starts here and goes all the way around."

"And that's the lab r-right there." I add to Lucas.

"Precisely. The gates gotta be in there somewhere. It's gotta be."

"Well who owns Hawkins lab?"

"Dr Brenner does." I say.

"Well let's elaborate." Lucas says to me.

"The sign says department of energy." He adds.

"Department of energy? What do you think that means?" Dustin asks while I mentally face palm.

"It means government. Military." Mike says to Dustin.

"Then why does it say energy?"

"Just compromise, trust him alright?" I say to Dustin.

"Yeah my dads told me before." Mike says

"Mikes right, there's soldiers out front." Lucas explains.

"Do they make like light bulbs or something?"

I face palm myself at Dustins response.

"No, weapons. To fight the Russians and Commies and stuff."

"Weapons..." Lucas says

"Oh god this is bad." Dustin shakes his head.

"Really bad, the place Emma was in was like a fortress." Lucas says.

"Well what do we do?" Dustin asks

"I don't know but we can't go home." Mike responds.

"I second that. We're fugitives now." I say.

But then we hear helicopters approaching us.

"G-guys? Do you hear that."

We see in the Horizon helicopters flying towards the exact spot we were in.

We run to the bus nearby I was just in and Mike, Dustin and Lucas put their bikes under the bus and follow us while running into it.

"Get down!" Lucas says while running in.

We all get down as we hear the helicopters approach us.



✎𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝✎

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