[Chapter 7 pt 1]:The Bathtub

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I'm still in the junkyard as bored as ever I was waiting for the workers from Dr Brenner to start searching for me so I stayed hidden in the bus until sunset then I will go home, or so I thought.

In the meantime I made butterflies with my new discovered power and I couldn't fly yet sadly cause my wings were too small, instead I hid them behind a jacket.

I felt alone so alone, I looked over to my arm to see "OOX" On my four arm I sighed and covered it with my sleeve. Little did I know this was going to be the longest day of my life.


Mike wipes the dirt off of Els face preparing to look for Emma now.

"That's better."

El turns around and looks at herself in the mirror, she grabs her shaved head sadly.

"You don't need it."

"Still pretty?" Eleven really liked the word pretty it made her feel safe.

"Yeah! Pretty really pretty." Mike says smiling.

El looks back at the mirror smiling.


El turns back to Mike.


"Um I'm happy your home."

"Me too."

Mike looks at her in the eyes before leaning in he was obviously going to kiss her but El didn't get it but she also leaned in not knowing what was going to happen next.

It came to the point were their lips were inches away before being disturbed by Dustin barging through the door.

"GUYS! It's Lucas I think he's in trouble."

They ran to the table where the super comm was.

"Do you remember how you said he was looking for the gate?" Dustin said worried.


"What if he found it?"

Mike grabbed it to hear a scruffy voice yelling through it.

"What's he saying?" Mike said annoyed.

"I don't know he's way out of range."

"Lucas if you can hear us slow down we can't understand you." Mike said slowly.

"Yea I copy do you they know about Eleven! Get out of there they know about Eleven! The bad men are coming all of them! Do you hear me? The bad men are coming!"
Lucas said through the super comm in a scruffy voice.

"Mad hen. Does that mean anything to you? Like a code name or something?" Dustin asked Mike.

"The bad men are coming!" Lucas once again said in a scruffy voice through the super comm.

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