[Chapter 3 pt 2]: Holly Jolly

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We are looking for rocks for the wrist rocket and I'm not sure why it's just is what it is.

"How about this one?" Mike says coming up to Dustin.

"To big for the sling" Dustin says while examining it.

Then he drops it looking for more, I on the other hand get a sharp pain in my back but I brush it off assuming it was nothing.

"So do you think eleven was born with powers like the x-man or do you think she acquired them? Like- like green lantern!" Dustin says altogether.

"She not a super hero. She's a weirdo."  Lucas stated.

"Lucas!" I yelped

"What?! It's just facts!" Lucas reasoned.

Now he's sounding like Erica. Nice.

"Why does that matter? The X-men were weirdos."Mike defends.

I nod my head in agreement

"Yep they were created like He said they were weirdos." I also defend.

"If Mike loves her so much why doesn't he marry her?" Lucas teases

I can see Mikes face heat up.

"What are you talking about." He says not shyly but cool because he acted like he didn't like her but I knew he did otherwise he would be like Lucas and Dustin.

"Mike seriously?" Lucas questions.

"What?" Mike says like a idiot.

"I've seen you look at her like, "hi El, El El EL!!! I love you so much!"" He says in a mocking tone while hugging Mike.

"Would you marry me?" He mocks again bowing on one leg.

I try not to laugh but we all know Mike wanted to cuddle with El forever and protect her. He isn't fooling anyone.

"Shut up Lucas." Mike says with his face red like a Tomato.

"Yea shut up Lucas." A familiar voice added on.

It was Troy, that son of a bitch.

"What are you losers doing back here?" Troy says.

"Probably looking for their friend." Troys friend James says.

My blood starts to boil.

"That's not funny. It's serious He's in danger." Dustin says in a very serious tone. I haven't heard him like that ever before.

"I'm sorry to break it to you toothless. But he's not in danger. He's dead." Troy says and before he ca

I snapped. I got the biggest and sharpest rock. And threw it to him right. In. The. Eye.

Before I can do anything Mike grabs my waist from behind and stops me from doing anything worse.

Then we try to walk away but Mike got pushed by James because Troy was too busy checking out the scar I gave to him.

When mike fell. That was the last straw. Or so I thought.

Before I can do anything Dustin held me back.

"Son of a bitch." I yelled while they walked away.

I guess I was like my brother in a way.

We all stood there awkwardly.

"Hey how 'bout this one?" Dustin asked while patting him on the back and giving it to him.

Mike smiled then glanced over to me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Yea" Mike said happily

"Yea!!" Dustin said patting Mike on the back.

"Yea this is it, Ema?" Mike asked

"Yea?" I asked kinda sad

Then he envelops me in a hug.

"We are going to find Will. I know how you feel but we just need patience ok?"

"Ok thanks Mike." I say hugging back then it became a group hug a long Silent not awkward but nice hug.

This was the last time in about 2 days that we were calm.

This is what I call a good party.

Sorry it was so short I'll post tomorrow I hope. Sorry I was doing so much homework that I couldn't post but don't worry there will be more better chapters. Until next time!!

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