[Chapter 4 pt 3] The body

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They had arrived at the school to go in the AV club room to channel Will.

"It's locked." Mike said.

Ema groaned.

"Do you think you can open it with your powers-?" Dustin said but then gets cut off by Mr Clark.

"Ladies? Gentlemen?" Mr Clark asked.

They all turned towards Mr Clark now facing them.

"The assembly's about to start.." Mr Clark said.

"Yea we know we're just upset..." Mike said soulessly look at the others giving that "join in." Look.

"Definitely upset." Lucas says.

"We just need alone time." Mike mumbled

"To cry." Dustin says.

"Listen boys.... I get it, I do. I know how hard this is but let's just be there for Will ok? And then-." Mr Clark says picking through is pocket and searching for his keys.

"The health kit is all yours for the rest of the day... whadda ya say?" He says with the "what do you." Altogether.

The party slyly looks at each other and Mr Clark asks a question out of the blue.

"I don't think we've met before what's your name."

Elevens lips open as she's about to say eleven but then gets cut off by Mike.

"Eleanor! She's my uh- cousin."

"Second cousin." Dustin almost shouted.

"She's here for Wills funeral." Mike makes it up.

"Well welcome to Hawkins, wish you were here with better circumstances." Mr Clark says but then starts to get a good look at her.

"Where are you from exactly?"

"Bad plac-."

"Sweden!" Mike once again cuts off el.

"We have a lot Swedish family there."



Mr Clark looks at them as if they had just spoke another language.

"Alright, shall we?" Mr Clark said awkwardly.


They had arrived at the Mpr (Multi purpose room).

"Abort!" Dustin said trying to go back but Lucas pulled him back.

Emma scoffs. (ima call her 'Emma' now)

"Will was an honor to have as student..."

"Look at these fakers." Mike says in anger

"Probably didn't know his name till today." Lucas says mad.

Troy and James snickered as rage fills in Emma's eyes.

"Who would care about this? This is so stupid."  Troy says slyly laughing.

"Mouth breather"  El said glaring at Troy and James.

Emma looked proud and grinned.

As for Mike he looked at El weirdly.




"Hey Troy!"

"Y-you think this is funny?"

"What you say Wheeler?"

Mike was about to talk until Emma stepped in.

"I saw you two laughing over there what's so funny I wanna laugh these days have been hard so I wanna laugh tell me what you two were laughing about."
Emma said confidently.

"I think that's a real messed up thing to do." Mike adds to Emma.

"Didn't you listen to the counselor wheeler? Chinchilla? Grief shows itself in funny ways besides what's there to be sad about anyways? Wills in fairy land now right?"

A group of kids started to huddle up circling the scene.

"Flying around with all the little fairies all happy and gay!" 

Troy had decided to make a little fairy dance immunizing what it would look like. And then they start to walk away.

Mike had a cold stare, one that no one has seen before. Until now that is.

Luckily Emma was being held back. Wheeler? Not so much.

Mike went over and pushed Troy face first into the ground like Troy had done to him.

"Ooooooooooo" everyone yelled dramatically.

"Your dead wheeler!" Troy says as he gets up and tries to punch Wheeler. But gets stopped by the one and only eleven.

When he froze everyone was super confused especially Mike.

Then a strange color of fluid started rolling Down his pants.

"Dude Troy peed himself!" A blond haired 12 year old kid said.

Everyone started laughing.

Then the party looked over to El her nose was bleeding a bit and she had a sly smile on her face and then walked back.

"Bitchin." Emma mumbled upon her breath.

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