[Chapter 2 pt 2]:The weirdo on maple street

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Mike eats quickly to get to the basement with el but then Nancy gets a little suspicious.

"Slow down Mike!" Nancy complains

"Do a lot of studying last night?" He says slyly considering the fact that he saw Steve Harrington jump into her room last night.

"Yea actually." She replies.

"What was your test on again? Human anatomy?" Mike questions being a smartass

They both kick each other under the table.

"What's going on here?" Their mother asks

"Nothing" they jinx

Mike heads down to the basement.

"Hey you found my super come,  pretty cool huh? I talk to my friends on it, mostly Lucas cause he lives so close,signals pretty weak."he says altogether

"bought you breakfast." he says handing a eggo waffle to her she takes it great fully.

"So listen this is going to sound a little weird but I just need you to go out there, then go to the front door and ring the door bell my mom will answer and say that your lost and you need help but whatever you do you can't tell her about last night or that you know me. Understand?" He says grinning softly

She stares at him with a "are you serious" look.

"Really it's not big deal! We will just pretend to meet each other again, and my mom she'll know who to call." He reassures.




"No you don't want my mom to get help?"

She nods.

"Y-your in trouble aren't you?"  Mike asks.

She looks down ashamed.

"W-who are you in trouble with." 


"Bad? Bad people?"

Ele nods.

"They wanna hurt you? The bad people?"

Ele forms her fingers in a gun then points it at her head. Then she moves her hand towards mikes chest.

"Understand?" She asks

Mikes mom yells for him.

"I'll be back okay stay here." Mike heads upstairs....

Dustin,Ema and Lucas arrive at school.

"Oh this is weird." Dustin reclaims

"Told you his plan failed!" Lucas whispered yelled.

"How do you know he's not late?" Ema asks but gets ignored by a eye roll.

"I thought you liked his plan." Dustin replied

" yeah but it obviously didn't work otherwise he'd be here!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Hey what if she slept naked?" Dustin blurted out.

"Oh my god she didn't." Lucas and Ema jinx.

"But if his mom found out a girl slept in his house-." Dustin says but then gets cut out by Lucas

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