[Chatpter 7 pt 3]:The Bathtub

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"You owe me 1.20" Steve's friend said handing Steve a soda for his bruised eye that he got from the fight him and Jonathan had earlier.

"Don't worry he'll need more than aspirin when we're done with him." Steve's friend nagged once again.

"Yeah if the creep ever gets out. Cops should just lock him up forever, did you see the look on his face?"

"Oh." Carol says punching his friend lightly on the chest.

"he probably had the same look when he killed his brother right?" Steve's friend asked Steve.

"oh God I just got an image of him making that face while him and Nancy screwing."
Carol said.

"Carol for once in your life shut your damn mouth!" Steve snapped at her.

"What?" Carol asked.

"Hey what's your problem man?"

"Your both assholes that's my problem!"

"Are you serious right now man?"

"Yeah I'm serious."

"Yeah I'm serious you should've have done that!"

"Done what?"

"Oh you know what."

"do you mean call her our for what she really is? Oh that's funny cause I don't remember you asking for me to stop."

"I should've put that spray paint right down your throat."

"What the hell Steve?" Carol asked.

"You no neither of you cared for her ever you never even liked her. Because she's not miserable like you two. She actually cares about other people."

"The slut with the heart of gold." Carol talks back.

"I told you to watch your mouth!"

"Hey! I don't know what's gotten into you man but you don't talk to her that way."

"Get out of my face." Steve said pushing his friend.

"Or what?" He pushed him back.

"You gonna fight me now too? Huh? you're gonna fight me now to? Because you couldn't take Jonathan Byers... so I wouldn't recommend that."

Steve gets up and gets in his car.

"Here let me get the door for you buddy." Steve's friend said slamming the door after pushing him in.

"That's right run away steevie boy!"

"Run away! Just like you always do."

"Nancys turning you into a little pussy!"

Steve continues to drive away going to go make things right.

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