[chapter 4 pt4]: The body FINAL PART.

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We had arrived at the AV room for El to channel Will. I sure hope this works, I want Will in my arms as soon as possible.

"She's going to look for Will she'll find him right El? Mike says reassuringly.

El begins her search.

I shift uncontrollably because I'm starting to get worried.

"She's doing it she's finding him." Mike says enthusiastically.

"No way!" Dustin said joining in.

"She's just closing her eyes, calm down."Lucas says nearly complaining.

I scoff.

Then the light bulb hanging from the roof goes very bright to the point where it lights up the whole room is lit up, until the light just breaks and it goes dark.


Joyce had heard a faint cry coming from the wall in the living room

She'd gone to the other side outside but to her hope crashing, he wasn't there. She ran back to the living room.


"Mom!!" The faint familiar voice screamed.

It was Will.

"Will! Will I'm here!! I'm here!!" She said trying to convince her son and comfort him in any way possible.

She started to tear off the beige wallpaper painted with colorful roses on it.

Her expression became shocked of what she saw on the other side.


"Will!" I squealed with me in the verge of tears.

"Will, it's us are you there?!" Lucas cried.

"Can you hear us Will? we're here!" Dustin added.

But as his screams continued I realized he couldn't hear us.

"Guys he can't hear us. Somehow he's contacted his mom instead." I say with tears in my eyes.

"Mom?! Mom?" Wills muffled screams were heard behind the radio.

"Why can't he hear us?" Lucas says almost annoyed.

"I don't know!" Mike said just as confused and frustrated as the party was.

"Mom it's like home but it's cold and scary and I don't know what to do and-." Will said through the health kit but it seems like he got cut off by someone and that's when the health kit explosion and caught on fire.


"Mom it's coming!" Will said behind the wallpaper.

Joyce was shocked in fear.

"Ok ok Will I will come and get you but right now I need you to hide." Joyce says before he runs off to who knows we're and the wall starts to close.

Joyce runs to the shed and grabs a red axe and starts banging it through the wall but to her disappointment nothings here just the other side of the wall revealing outside.

Joyce sits there confused, helpless, scared but most importantly she had felt anger.


When the HealthKit had caught on fire we had all jumped back in shock but El? Something was off about her she looked Dizzy.

Dustin had gotten the fire extinguisher and sprayed it all over the fire that was caused. But the fire alarm had already gone off so we had already caught attention from the school most likely.

Will... he's alive. I thought hopefully.

"El are you okay? I asked.

"El can you hear us?" Mike said worriedly.

She was going to pass out.

"Eleven!" I yelled

"Okay so we have to act fast Lucas grab her legs and Dustin help Lucas and and Mike will help with her top limbs.

We had all carried her and placed her on the wheel chair. She looked awfully tired, sick, and scared.

I looked at eleven kneeling down, "thank you eleven."

She nodded weakly and we started pushing the wheel chair to the front doors to bring her home.

~flashback ~

Will and Emma had gone star gazing alone they looked up at the stars with their eyes full of extraordinary interest as the sky reflected from the surface of their eyes.

"Look that looks like a staff Will!" Emma exclaimed happily.

"Mhm it's beautiful." Will said as if he were in love with it.

"Hey Emma?" Will said with stars in his eyes.


"Your a really good friend."

"No Will you are."

They had embraced each other in a long silent hug not awkward though comfortable silent.

~End of flashback~

"Hang in there El were going to take you home."

A/N WOAH TWO STORIES IN A DAY WERE IM FROM, sorry that it's just the plot so far but things are about to get juicy.... until next time peeps!

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