[chapter 3 Pt 3]: Holly Jolly FINAL PART

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I was eating snacks then I wanted to mess with my abilities a bit while waiting for 3-1-5 to come around. I got bored of staying in the place where we were mostly so I went were Mike had showed me and I just examined all the things there like the think called a ch-air that Mike showed me the day before today, then I went to the thing so called a Tele-Visio-n  that Mike had also shown me, I turned it on and went to other screens by just switching the button then a familiar screen came around "hot and beach in the sun, the real thing is so much fun! For the time of your life, and the things that you dooo, coke is right here with yooou.


Eleven is in Hawkins lab being tested.

El is staring at a Coke bottle she looked very terrified, but she started to focus on what she was doing and she had electrodes on her head to track her brain activity.

She was shaking and became even more focused on the bottle until...


She had crushed the bottle, then a stream of blood was coming down her right nostril.
She looked at papa terrified and then she realized that she had blood coming out her nostril she looked at it terrified but papa had a slick grin on his face.


I turned off the tele-visi-on and realized that the numbers were close to 3-1-5 and I headed were Mike told me to head off to.

Passing back and forth I was loosing my patience, but I get pulled out of my thought from this thing hissing at me I think it was a Ani-ma-l I would've kept pacing but it was familiar.


Papa had forced Eleven to try to hurt a animal Eleven tried but she just couldn't do it and she would've not done it anyways she couldn't hurt this poor animal. As the cat hisses and roars papa watched through the glass window.

Eleven starts to whimper, she just couldn't but she knew if she didn't do it she would be punished.

Then she looks at papa, papa gave her this cold no emotion stare nothing but a cold soul was behind the body experimenting innocent children and he was upset that his strongest experiment had just run away and was never in sight again.

Eleven takes off the electrodes and looks towards papa, then papa nodded at his workers.

Eleven says squirming in the workers arms



Then they throw her in a room. A very dark lonely cold room.

Before they can close the door eleven snaps there was no way she was going to be in there again she glares at the man sending him backwards into the wall. Then the other man looks at her but she snaps his neck ending his lifespan.

Then papa sees the corpses and cane up with the only logical explanation.


He saw eleven which was covered in blood from nose lips and ears and held her there then he picked her up and walked her to the room.


I didn't realize that I was crying until I heard Mike call me.

"El are you ok?" Mike asked me.

I nodded and then I hopped on grabbing his waist and rode and told them were Will should be hiding.

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