[chapter 6 pt 1]: The monster

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I find myself in a strange dark room I'm tied up and nothing is to be seen but darkness.

Where am I and why am I tied up? What the hell is going on?! Where's El-

I get pulled away from my thoughts by a harsh pain in my back again, this time. It was worse. Way worse. I struggle in my seat and try to shake the pain away but nothing worked. I looked at my back to see what was causing it. Two small wings there.

"What the actual shit." I muttered to myself.

Then I saw the door in corner of the room open.



Mike is fidgeting with a toy while in deep thoughts he had a lot of emotions within him.

He was wondering if El and Emma were ok. Where could've they run off to, 'not far correct?' He thought, then he looked over to the fort he had made her, he got up angrily and walked over to it.

He ripped the sheets off then threw it onto the grown then he started kicking it with rage. He kicked it many times before he stopped.

He headed to his super comm and decided to channel Dustin.

"Dustin this is Mike do you copy? Over.

"Yea I copy. Over."

"Look I'm sorry your sister isn't in sight right now but I promise we'll find her and El she's probably with El anyways but I need you to meet me in 10. Over and out."


"I just can't believe they didn't come back" Mike says while he paces back and forth.

"They've gotta be close."

"She said it wasn't safe she just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us. She didn't betray us."

"Mike calm down."

"I shouldn't have yelled at her, I never should've done that."

"Mike this isn't you fault."

"Yeah it's lucas's"

"It wasn't his fault, either."

Mike stopped pacing.

"It wasn't his fault?"


"So where's your sister and El right now. So your saying he wasn't out of the line."

"Totally but so we're you!"


"And so we're Eleven and Emma."

"Emma didn't do anything!"

"She ran off with El without saying anything now we don't know where the hell they are!"

"Oh give me a break."

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