[Chapter 4 p2]: The Body

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So we had arrived at Mikes and now we were sitting in his basement looking at el who was going to grab the super comm. she grabbed it and started focusing on it, then in about 5-6 minutes we heard something familiar, at least it was familiar to me nobody had catched on of what was going on.

What I heard were noises that were coming from Will. Why him? He's dead.

"You guys heard that right?" Mike asks the party.

"Yea I heard a baby." Lucas said.


"Mike you obviously tapped that to a baby monitor." Lucas said annoyed but inside me a little sign of hope showed.

"Lucas you don't understand he spoke words last night.... he was singing that weird song even El heard him!" Mike said.

"Well if the weirdo heard him then that convinced me!" He said sarcastically.

I rolled my puffy tired eyes.

"Mike are you sure your on the right channel?" Dustin asks.

"I don't think it's about that I think that she's somehow channeling him." Mike elaborates.

"Like professor-X?" Dustin asks

"Yea.." he says grinning

" are you actually believing this crap? Wills dead! they took his body out of the water!" Lucas says annoyed but a hint of sadness.

"But what if this is all some paranormal activity ..." I said looking at the demogorgon figure still thinking about what El had said the day before yesterday.

"Yea..." Mike agrees rubbing my back to comfort me considering he knew I liked Will so that's why he was so empathetic.

"You know when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? It sounded a lot like that." Dustin adds.

I started zoning out a little and my small hope started growing I really hope he is alive..

"We need to get El to a stronger radio." Mike said.

"Like the Av club?" Dustin asks

"Yeah.." he says grinning.

"But how are we going to get the weirdo in the school without anyone noticing. I mean look at her." Lucas complains like it was her fault her hair was shaved.

We all looked towards her and I gave her a sympathetic look, which she smiles back to.


We all went upstairs since nobody was home I'm pretty sure Karen's off somewhere and teds doing whatever things he has to I don't know or care.

We all grab things that would look like "girly" why I say it like that is a backstory of mine which brings me on to the second thing you should know about me, I have (Y/HC) hair and I don't like dresses in fact I hate them I'm a girl who wasn't like the others I was a girl who acted like a boy, but didn't like girls kinda like a tomboy I wore (baggy/skinny) jeans (you choose) and wore a hoodie. And of course I wore converse.(yes they were a thing back then) occasionally I would wear button up shirts with jeans and my shirt was tucked in. I wasn't very confident about my body either (I'm not saying you are it's just in the story.)

People would bully me calling a boy which hurt me and yeah! That's pretty much it, and oh did I mention Will likes Jennifer? Yup. Great. Another obstacle for his love. Or so I thought that.

So as I was saying Mike took care of El and her makeup to add blush and Dustin took care of the wig Lucas took care of the dress and jacket and I took her socks and shoes and I choose converse of course.

Then she came out of the door, she looked amazing more than I had ever have I felt like absolutely nothing. Kinda jealous but happy for her.

"Wow she looks-." Dustin said but got cut off by Mike.

"Pretty." Mike said, I can see the blush in his cheeks.

".....good..... you look pretty good." Mike adds.

She looks at Mike and I swear I saw a small blush creep up on her cheeks she most likely doesn't know what that feeling is anyways.

She goes to the mirror and touches her wig.


Heyo guys so yea I'm sorry it's so short and I haven't updated in quite a while.
Well only like 2 days or so, but yea!
Also Yep! I made your character with low self esteem I'm not implying anything I'm just showing this add because many people have this and it's not the best. And this is coming from a experienced person who has/is dealing/dealt with it before, just know everyone is beautiful bye my lovelies.

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