[Chapter 4 P1]: The Body

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Mike was skimming through Wills drawings that have given to him what seems like years ago. But in reality it had only been a couple months, but for Mike it was different. He had been staring at a photo of a proud man standing in a wizard costume pronouncing "Will the wise." Because that was Wills character. Mike wondered how Ema would be right now he told her that they were going find Will they did. But not they way they wanted to find him.

El had arrived to Mikes house and was messing with the super comn for what seemed like hours until Mike has had enough of her bullshit and snapped.

"Can you please stop that?" Mike said but it seemed like El didn't hear a word he said almost like she was ignoring him.

"Are you deaf?" He said but she kept what seemed like ignoring him.

"I thought we were friends you know? But friends tell each other the truth and they definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think Will was ok. That he was still out there But he wasn't he wasn't ok? Maybe you thought you were helping but you weren't, you hurt me and especially Ema. Do you understand? What you did. SUCKS." He said in a whole paragraph. While going back into focus into Wills drawings.

El looked at him hurt, turns out she wasn't ignoring him but then she turned focus into the super comn again.

"So come on and let me know..."  a familiar voice came into the super comn.

Then Mikes head shot up and he ran over to El to get a better hear of what was coming from the device.

"Should I stay or should I go now."

El gazed up to Mike while blood was running down her nostril.

"If I go there will be trouble. If I stay there will be double." The voice came from the super comn it was definitely Will.

"Will do you copy this is Mike. over."

No response.

"Will? This is Mike do you copy? over."

Once again no response.

Mike turned up to look at El her top lip was covered in blood.

"Was that?-." Mike questioned but then got stopped from El going to start her part of the story.



I'm devastated, why, why couldn't it be me I was the burden anyways. I cried myself to sleep after hugging my brother for what seemed like hours and then at midnight I got a sharp pain in my back I've been getting two mysterious bumps on my back but that's the least of my worries right now.

"Ema this is Lucas do you copy? Over." I heard from my super comn. He sounded annoyed not sad so got up and was going to head over saying this is really not the time.

"You know Lucas this really isn't-."

"Bring Dustin with you and head to mikes. over and out."

I was rather confused that worried, why did they need us but I shook it off and headed over to Dustins he was just sitting there in bed holding yurtle.

"Hey..." I said sadly

"Hey." He said calmly

"Lucas needs us to head over to Mikes."

"Alright let's go." He says as he puts yurtle back in his cage. He had a turtle and I had a bearded dragon, her name was Dart'any. I liked it because Dustin suggested it.


We were biking over to Mikes in silence and I zoned out thinking about memories of Will.


We were at the arcade and I was separated from the others trying to win the llama from a claw machine it was this rainbow sparkly llama and it was so pretty and colorful.

Until I gave up or rather speaking I ran out of coins. Supposedly Will had noticed and the said he needed to go to the bathroom while I was w/the others. Until I got worried if he had stomach problems or something. Then he came back with his arms around his back.

"Hey Will are you okay? You were in the bathroom for a little too long to the point where I thought you weren't feeling goo-."

"For you!" Will said holding his arms out holing the llama I was attempting to get.

"Will you didn't have to-."

"I insist. You looked disappointed that you ran out so I got it for you." Will said smiling and closing his eyes.

Tears formed in my eyes then I embraced him in a hug the longest hug I had ever had then I kissed him on the cheek while we were hugging sadly he didn't seem to notice.

"Thank you, Will the wise."

"No problem, Ema the Dragonlance."


I didn't notice but I was crying and I lost track of time before we knew it we were here.

Okay let's see what Mike wants.

Okay let's see what Mike wants

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