Chapter 1: The Bronco

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Then I hear something and look at my door. Getting up, I walk to the desk and brush my hair. Again, I hear the sound.

"Kaylee, it looks like Gerry is out in the driveway. Are you two back together?" Mom asks as I walk out of my room.

Peeking through the window, I reply, "No, we're just friends. Did he come to the door?"

My mom shakes her head no, and I put on my jacket. Slipping into my sneakers, I open the door and look out at the Bronco.

The windows are all tinted, but it's his truck, I'm sure of it.

Mom whispers, "Kay, he's going through a lot after losing his brother, so..."

"Yes, mother, I know. We'll be back. He probably just wants to talk." I reply and then shut the door behind me.

Walking over to the vehicle, I see Gerry's silhouette and know he is just sitting in there waiting for me. His brother died one afternoon while we were fishing, and I don't think he'll ever forgive me. We broke up not long after and have rarely spoken since. To be honest, I've been blaming myself for asking him to come to get me that awful day.

What is he doing here?

Knocking on the window of his truck, he rolls it down part way.

"Gerry, are you okay?" I ask, and the window goes back up.

Running around to the passenger side, I open the door and see that he is crying. Immediately, I get in and shut it.

Softly I say, "What's going on, Gerry? What is happening?"

"I always loved you." He answers.

Looking at him, I'm not sure what to say.

Gerry then adds, "I fucked up, Kay."

"It wasn't meant to be. Maybe we are better..." I start to say, and then I get the glare.

He then says, while looking at the steering wheel, "Kim's pregnant, and I have to marry her."

"Oh... Wow... Oh my." I reply.

Holy Crap, this is bad. She is one evil bitch, from what I've heard.

He says, "It should have been you. This is all wrong, and I messed everything up."

"No, everything is going to be fine," I say while looking out the window.

Gerry leans back, and neither one of us speaks for a few minutes.

I'm just trying to get my mind around his statement, and Gerry is staring at his brother's high school ring. It's hanging there from the rearview mirror, as a constant reminder that I ruined his life.

He says, "I have to marry her. If I don't, Kim said she'd put the baby up for adoption. I can't let her do that. The baby will end up like me."

"What's wrong with that, Gerry? You turned out just fine." I reply.

He turns to me and says, "I let my brother die. All I wanted was to get into your pants that night. I was horny and..."

I cut him off and say, "Yes, you're a normal 18-year-old guy. Gerry, you are a good man and I blame myself for making you come to get me that day. This is not your fault, it's mine. I'm so sorry, Gerry, and I feel so bad about everything."

As the tears fall, he pulls me to him and we hold each other.

"Scott left a note. It wasn't an accident, but I couldn't tell my mom. It would have made it so much worse." Gerry says.

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