Chapter 22: The Car

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Sitting here in this old silver Toyota Camry, I'm annoyed beyond belief.

It doesn't seem to matter what I say to this girl, because she toons me out. I've tried everything to get her to listen, but she just keeps blocking me. This is the most frustrated I've ever been, and I'm not even alive. I'm starting to believe there was no maliciousness when I found her in the woods behind the bar. Bella was drunk and likes to go off on her own when she gets wasted.

"Why are you doing this to yourself!" I scream out.

Hearing that song come on the radio, I look at it.

Bella leans over, switches the station, and turns the music up even louder as we sit in this empty parking lot by the river, while she smokes and stares out the window.


When her phone rings, she looks at it and then stuffs it back in her pocket. I'd love to know who keeps calling, but she has never answered it.

"Is it a family member or a friend? Lord knows it's not her dealer." I say sarcastically.

Looking at this beautiful young woman, it breaks my heart to see Bella destroying herself this way. She is so smart and funny, yet when she is drunk, I'm completely disgusted with her and so is everyone else.

I've noticed that her friends talk behind her back, but God forbid they say these things to her face. Just once, I wish they would tell her how they truly feel.

As she takes another drag, I just shake my head. Her beautiful blond hair is all dirty and matted. She has not showered in days and those big blue eyes are fading. Her teeth are rotting away, and she must smell awful. For an entire week, we have never been to her home and I have no idea where she even lives.

Maybe this car is her home. No, that can't be right.

That night, Max the bartender was going to walk her home, so she must live near the bar. Instead, they went back to his place, and she was with him. I didn't watch, but what I saw disgusted me. Bella had bruises all over her body and marks on her arms.

What could have brought her to this point? She is so young and is throwing her life away just to party?

Finally, she puts the cigarette out and leans back in her seat.

I guess we are sleeping here again tonight.

Watching her, I see the tears fall and normally I'd feel bad, but she is doing this to herself.

I whisper to her, "No one is forcing you to stay here. I'm sure there is someone out there who cares. I've only ever met your so-called friends, but there must be someone. You need help, and I can't do it for you. Bella, you have to want it for yourself."

Hearing her phone ring again, she looks at it and then throws it to the floor of the car.

Bella screams, "Jesus! Leave me alone, mom."

Mom? Okay! She has a family, and that is great!

Bella puts her car in drive and we are off. She should not be driving in this condition, but maybe we are finally going home.

As she weaves all over the road, I hold on to the dashboard. There are hardly any cars on the road tonight, so hopefully, we make it to wherever she has decided to go. If I was alive, I'd fear for my life, but it's her I'm worried about.

"Slow down, Bella! Keep your eyes on the road! Jesus, slow down!" I shout, but again, the music gets turned up.

Bella puts the pedal to the floor and guns it as we are about to go over this same old green bridge near the bar. Perfect, maybe she is headed home.

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