Chapter 19: Time

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Waking up in the morning, after barely sleeping all night, I look over and Nate is staring at the ceiling.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I say as he turns his head and smiles.

My husband says, "Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?"

"Well, I got a few hours. How about you?" I ask.

He sits up and says, "About the same as you, but I've been lying here thinking. Baby, today our lives may change forever. Look at all the steps it took to get us here and whatever happens, we will be okay. If everything falls apart, we still have each other and this will not be the end. Just know that no matter what, I love you and everything happens for a reason."

"I know what you are saying, but I believe we will have a son at some point today. At 7:00 tonight, she will get induced. I will be there to hold her hand and see our child born. Am I terrified? Yup, I've never been more unnerved in my life, but I know in my heart that everything will work out." I state, and then we hug each other.

Nate is seconding guessing this again, but I will not listen. I'm going to become a mommy today.

Standing in the shower, I think about it all, too, but I shake my head and fight it. While I replay every conversation between Mira and myself, I feel invigorated once more.

She has never wavered. Each time we spoke, she was completely confident and has never given me any reason to doubt that she is on board. I believe this was meant to be, and this baby will fill that empty hole in our hearts. He needs us as much as we need him, and after today, we will be a family.

Leaving the house at 6:00, we got everything loaded and thought there was plenty of time. Sitting in traffic, my anxiety grows as I stare at the clock.

"Kay, I am so sorry. There must be a game tonight at the dome. We will get there, sweetheart." Nate says, as I just nod.

Looking at the door, part of me wants to jump out of this car and run for it, but I take a deep breath and pray these cars will move.

Nate exclaims, "Okay, here we go, baby! I got my hazards on and we are not stopping. Are you with me?"

"Yes, just be careful!" I reply.

My husband maneuvers through the traffic like a taxicab driver. He cuts people off, weaves in and out to get us to our destination. Once we got off at our exit, it was smooth sailing. We pulled up outside the hospital and tossed the keys to the parking attendant.

Thank God for valet parking!

Stepping into the hospital, we are greeted by my husband's coworker, of all people.

"Chuck, what are you doing here?" I ask with a smile.

He replies, "Well, I didn't want Nate to be waiting all alone. So, I thought I'd hang out for a while. Karen has been here so much that I know this place like the back of my hand and all the ins and outs."

Hugging Chuck tight, Nate then shakes his hand and after we get signed in, I kiss my husband goodbye.

"I love you Kaylee and it will be alright." He says as I nod.

I reply, "I love you, too. See you soon, sweetheart and Chuck, thank you so much for being here for us."

He smiles and says, "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else tonight. Go on up and I'll keep your boy company."

Riding up in the elevator, I stare at the glowing numbers until we reach the 8th floor. When it opens, I run out and go directly to the nurse's station. I'm filled with anxiety and worry, plus being late always sends me into a panic.

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