Chapter 24: Remember

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Driving down the road with Bella's mother at the wheel, I'm getting really angry. Listening to her shout, I can't believe how ugly she is towards her mother. This woman seems very kind and sincere, but Bella has a score to settle.

Jesus, I really wish there was some type of backstory here. Why is Bella so angry?

Her mother shouts, "You know what sweetheart, you made your bed and you'll just have to lie in it, until you get your head on straight."

"Fine, I'll sign the papers, and you can have full custody of Chloe. Is that what you want? Or should we just give her to her father? All I know is that I can't be her mother, right now. I'm young and I want to live my life." She screams.

Pulling up to Aunt Linda's house, her mother turns to her.

She says sternly, "You are going to listen to me, little girl. It's not my fault you got pregnant. I did not force you to do anything, and maybe I should have. These are your errors in judgment, not mine. Your father and I have tried to raise Chloe, with little help from you, and we never even get a thank you. As my child, I've done everything under the sun to try to change you."

"I don't need to be changed!" Bella shouts.

Her mother holds up her hand and adds, "The fact that you don't see that there is a problem, really angers me. From here on out, I'm done... Your father is done... And yes, I will raise your daughter and pray she turns out better than you. Get out of my car and do not come back."

Bella grabs the door handle and says, "You know how all of this began. It was an accident. I did not want my life to be this way, but here I am and I don't need any of you. Goodbye, mother... Tell Dad I said, Fuck You."

Wait, is she talking about the car accident? How long have I been gone?

As she gets out of the car, I'm pulled along with her.

The last person I want to be stuck with is someone like Kim, but here I am. What a selfish person she is, and I did not see this coming. Young and dumb, I can handle, but not a raving bitch.

Walking up to the door of this old rundown house, it opens and there is a woman in her 40s standing there.

This must be Aunt Linda?

Looking at her, she's very skinny, dirty and her hair has not been washed in days. As she staggers along, Bella follows this woman.

Aunt Linda looks half in the bag or very hungover.

Glancing around our new home, I see several cases of empty beer cans stacked up by the front door. It looks as though this carpet has never been vacuumed, and it seems to be more of a frat house than her aunt's home. A guy is sleeping on the couch.

Bella looks furious, and I'm completely disgusted by the way she treated her mother.

"Mom gave you the boot, I see. Come on in and you can crash in the basement." The woman says.

She nods and follows her to the stairs. The house is disgusting, and there are weeks of dishes in the sink.

Linda asks, "Do you need a downer before bed?"

"Yeah, I'm so upset, and I'll never get to sleep. Mom never believes me or sees my side in anything. I didn't want to be a mother at 17! She refused to help me. Now I'm to blame for her having to raise Chloe?" Bella shouts.

She pulls a pill out of her pocket and whispers, "Jesus, it's 3 a.m. and you need to be quiet. Other people are trying to sleep. Take this and shut up. See you in the morning."

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