Chapter 27: Hour by Hour

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Stopping for coffee and a bagel, I sit in line and turn up the heat. It's a cold February morning, but the sun is shining. Evan was awake last night and wanted to play, so I'm dragging a bit today. Being a mom has changed me in so many ways. I find that now I'm more patient and forgiving, plus that my body can run on only a few hours of sleep. Looking in those big blue eyes, and seeing that smile, it's literally impossible to be mad.

Walking in the door, I see our maintenance man shoveling and salting the walk. He must be freezing out here in the elements.

"Morning, Mark... I'll go make a pot of coffee," I state as he smiles up at me.

He replies, "That would be great Kay, and good morning to you."

With a nod, I continue on into the building. He's such a hard-working guy and never misses a day. Granted, Mark's known for being a flirt, but with me, he has always been respectful.

Once I set my purse down and hang up my coat, I head to the coffeepot in our conference room to make it up for whoever needs it today. Normally I'd be the first one in line, but getting up so early today has me ahead of schedule.

Returning to my desk and my breakfast, I unwrap the bagel and sip on the hazelnut goodness. All is right with the world, and now it's time to start my day.

Looking at the clock, it's 9 am on the nose and time to turn the phones on. As I take each call and add patients into our schedule for today, my co-workers file in and wave to me. Then I see Franny as she comes into our area, shivering from the cold.

"I'm sick of winter and so ready for spring." She states, and I smirk.

I reply, "It's only the end of February and we still have 3 more months to go."

"I know, but the heat isn't working in my car and I'm frozen solid," Franny explains.

As the phone rings again, I quickly add, "I made coffee in the conference room."

"You rock, sister, and thanks!" She says while dropping everything and running across the hall. Our maintenance guy walks past. Mark holds up his cup and whispers, "Thank you."

I just nod and continue to enter the information on another patient needing an acute appointment today.

Molly steps into our area and asks, "Where is Franny?"

I point to my coffee cup, just as my friend comes around the corner.

Franny says, "Good Morning Molly. Our girl, Kay, made really good coffee in the conference room. There is enough for one more cup if you grab it now."

"Oh, thank you. Have a good day, girls." She says and then takes her leave.

Looking at me, we smirk at each other. Our boss was ready to complain that Fran was late again today, but she would have been wrong. Molly does not understand what is going on with my friend, and it's not my place to say anything. Fran has cancer, and she's asked me to keep her secret. I know my friend will beat it this time because she is a strong and powerful woman. Nothing gets Franny down.

As the morning goes on, I notice that my mother has an appointment at 11:00 today. She mentioned it to me in passing and I forgot. Maybe I'll ask her to go to lunch with me.

Ever since she dumped the nut-job, our relationship has become much stronger. There are still areas where we disagree, but we're overcoming those little by little. She is an amazing grandmother and Evan is the apple of her eye.

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