Chapter 25: The Visit

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Sitting at the kitchen table, drinking my coffee, I'm enjoying the quiet of the morning. Evan just went back to sleep, and Nate is snuggling with him in our bed. It's such a beautiful August morning, and all is right with the word. Life cannot get better than this...

While watching our dogs playing in the yard, I take a sip of my hazelnut coffee and smile. Sitting here, I make a list of what needs to get done today, and it keeps getting longer as the days go by, but Nate only has one more month before he has to go back to school. My husband's new den is almost painted, but there is so much more to do. He needs his own space to work, especially now, since Evan started walking last month. September is right around the corner.

Hearing the phone ring, I jump up and grab it before the boys wake up. Who would be calling at 9 a.m.?

I trip over the giant stuffed lion, but get to it before it rings again and answer, "Hello?"

There is silence, but then she says, "Kay... It's Mira and I'm sorry to bother you."

Oh, God...

"No, it's okay. I was just sitting here drinking my coffee. Is everything alright?" I ask, as my anxiety levels rise tenfold.

She answers, "Yes... Well, mostly. I was calling to ask you for a favor."

"Okay?" I add.

Mira says, "My mom wanted me to call you and ask this, but if you don't want to, I understand."

"Alright," I say as Nate walks into the kitchen.

She continues, "Well, my daughter is very confused and wants to know where the baby is... She is driving us all crazy and I've explained it to her several times. She wants to see him and I was wondering if we could come over... for just a few minutes and if you say no, it's okay."

"Um... Well, I guess it would be alright." I say as Nate stares at me in confusion.

I add, "You have done so much for us and it's the least we can do. When did you want this to happen?"

"Well, the sooner the better. As I said, she will not let this go." Mira states.

I look at my husband, who has no idea what is happening, as he makes a cup of coffee.

"Okay, we do not have much going on today, but can I call you back. I'd like to talk with Nate about this first." I reply as he spins around.

After she gives me her number, I hang up the phone, and my husband's waiting for me to explain what the call was about. How do I put this so that he doesn't say no, right off the bat?

"Who was that? What's going on, Kay?" He asks.

Looking at him, I answer, "That was Mira. Everything is alright, but her daughter is having a problem. She doesn't understand where the baby went... Now, just hear me out."

"Okay." He says to me.

I continue by saying, "Look at all she has done for us. Without Mira, we would not be a family. She asked if the little girl could see Evan, for just a few minutes, so that she knows the baby is alright."

"Wow, okay... I was not expecting that. When does she want to do this?" He asks and I'm surprised he's taking this so well.

I answer, "Well, Mira said, the sooner the better and hopefully this will put the questions to rest."

He thinks about it for a moment and drinks his coffee. I can see the wheels turning and wonder what he will say.

"At first, I thought, no way in hell, but what harm could it do? You're right, she has done a lot for us and we may need her help in the future. We agreed Evan will be told he's adopted one day and you may need to ask a favor from them. It's okay with me, but what do you think?" Nate asks.

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