Chapter 20: Fades to Black

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Arriving at the hospital for the big day, Kay is nervous and Nate seems apprehensive, while I could not be happier. Yes, traffic was bad, but it's not like that baby will arrive the second they induce her. I've been through all of this before with our twins. We waited all night, and the girls didn't arrive until the next morning. Everything will work out now that we are on the last stretch. Plus, Kay said that Mira wanted her in the room when she delivers. Hearing that, I knew Kaylee and Nate would get the baby they've always wanted.

As we get out of the car, I follow them to the front door of the hospital. Walking through, everything goes dark.

What is happening?

Feeling that pull up towards the heavens, I get angry.

"No, I want to see Kay get her baby!" I holler.

All that I hear as I float upwards are voices echoing throughout the blackness, and it's cold.

Why am I freezing?

As the light returns to my eyes, I'm sitting in the principal's office all alone. Looking around, I feel rather disorientated and now furious that they took me away.

When the door opens, in walks Mr. Nelson. He is reading something and does not even acknowledge me for a few minutes.

"Excuse me, Mr. Nelson... What just happened?" I ask, as he slowly looks up.

The man then holds up his finger, and I sit back in my chair.

This is bullshit.

"Language, Mr. Kastor." He says in response, but then nothing more.

After a few more minutes, I add, "You know I can't read your thoughts, remember? So, can you please explain why I'm here?"

"Yes, I will, but you need to give me a moment. This is very unexpected and I'll have your new mission for you very soon." Nelson states.

Standing up. I feel the anger build and say, "New Mission! I never finished my last one. Did Kay get the baby? How did the delivery go? What the hell happened?"

He looks at me and says, "You knew what would happen, so why are you shouting at me?"

"Because... Because I wanted to be there and see it with my own eyes." I reply as he nods.

Nelson sits back, looks annoyed, and says, "Ask me anything. What do you want to know?"

Hearing this, I just glare at him and try to keep my mind from thinking all these awful thoughts.

"All I want to know is if Kay got her baby," I say calmly.

Nelson answers, "I believe she did, and everything went fine. Now, I have something to check over."

He stands up with the folder in his hand, and walks back out the door, leaving me here to wait.

Son of a bitch, I hate all of this shit and I feel cheated. Why couldn't they let me stay until the end? I just wanted to see Kay holding her baby.

Getting out of my chair, I walk around the room and over to the windows. Peering through, there is nothing to see except clouds, but I'd love to catch a glimpse of heaven.

God forbid, they let me in on all their little secrets.

Sitting back in my chair, I wait for hours and think. By now she must be so happy. I remember seeing my two for the very first time and what miracles they were.

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