Chapter 2: Changes

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Sitting in my room, while listening to the screaming and shouting on TV, I can feel myself getting completely irritated.

It's not a horror movie or a game show. No, this is a typical day in my life.

"Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!" I want to scream, but it's more like a whisper.

The last thing I need is for the old nut-bag to get his nose bent out of joint, by me disrespecting his crazy.

The evangelists are on their pulpit, and they are looking for some greenery.

Good God, I hate this shit. It's bad enough that he embarrasses me every Sunday by standing up and speaking in tongues. Yes, that is really a thing. Who knew?

This is my life now that Mom married the whack-a-doodle. From here on out, I refuse to call him by his God-given name. He shall be the nameless man!

When the phone rings, I jump up and grab it, but he gets to it first.

"Hello there, may I please speak with Kaylee? This is Missy Newton and I have a question about the homework assignment." She says, and I snicker.

Not wanting to hear his voice, I shout, "I've got it. Thank you!"


"What's up, Newt?" I ask, and she giggles.

Missy says, "Hold on to your hat, girl. Actually, you better sit down for this one."

"Is it about Gerry?" I ask.

She huffs and says, "Who told you?"

"I got it from the horse's mouth. Actually, it broke my heart, fig-newton." I say to my best friend.

Missy then says, "You seem calm about all of this. I thought you'd be flipping out. After all, you said that you care for Gerry, a great deal."

"You see, Missy, this is why I never say I love you, to anyone, other than family. Yes, it hurt to hear that Kim Ellis got her claws into Gerry, but he went willingly. I wouldn't put out, and she would. Think about it, I could have a bun in the oven at this very moment." I state while winding the phone cord around my finger.

She says, "You are not that stupid. Christ, you've been carrying that condom around ever since you thought it might happen."

"Yes, this is true. To be honest, I'm a little mad that he came over here to tell me. What was I going to say? Don't marry the evil one?" I ask.

Missy is quiet for a moment and then she says, "What! They are getting married? Are you shitting me?"

"No, he is going to ask Kim to marry him. How messed up is that?" I ask.

Then, I feel that ache in my heart again. The tears fall and they won't stop.

She asks, "Are you crying?"

"Yes, I'm crying... He was mine. I have to go." I say between sobs.

Missy adds, "Kay, she is evil, and he will never stay with her. They may get married, but it won't last. He loves you and has told this to anyone who will listen. Gerry is still yours, Kay, and this is a minor hiccup."

"A hiccup? It's a baby, Missy. He got her pregnant and is marrying her. I have to go." I say as calmly as I can, so I don't freak out the parents.

She quickly adds, "I love you girly."

"Love you too, Missy," I reply and then hang up.

Before they notice, I dial the phone and call Ben. I'm too amped up tonight and I need to drive.

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