Chapter 1

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     *kokichi pov*

     My eyes flutter open to the sound of the alarm clock, I groan, not wanting to get up.  I slowly sit up and stretch my arm.  My feet hit the floor, I rub my eyes to make myself less drowsy.  I jump a little as I hear the speakers turn on, then Monokuma's voice is heard.

"Goodmorning!! Get to the cafeteria for an announcement!" He yells,

 And then the speakers turn off.  I quickly got dressed, I almost went out of my room, then I realized... I had forgotten my scarf! I walk over to my desk, pick up the checkered scarf, and tied it around my neck.  I sigh as I walk towards the door, and unlock it.

*time skip*

   Everyone is gathered around the stage waiting for whatever it was Monokuma wanted to tell us.  Monokuma walks out onto the stage and sits on his chair.  He clears his throat..

"A body has been discovered!" He yells with a psychopathic tone in his voice

We all gasp, and Kaede started to cry.  Shuichi comforts her.  I look at them and feel a sting in my heart.  What was that, I've never felt it before.  Monokuma interrupted my thoughts, explaining to us that we need to investigate to find out who killed the victim.  Everyone immediately scatters trying to find the body, eventually we all end up in the library.  I was the last one there, I found everyone staring down.  I push my way through and look only to find, Rantaro Amami's dead body.  

"haha loser" I laugh pointing at the body, I get a dirty look from Kaito Momota the ultimate astronaut. 

"What about this is so funny?!" He yelled, getting up in my face.  I push him away from me.

"That was just a lie! I would never laugh at a dead person! No way!!..... Or maybe I would" I say putting my finger to my lips.  They all stare at me, no one says a word.

"W-we should start investigating before it's too late." Shuichi breaks the silence.  I sigh while they all start to inspect the school.  As Kaito was leaving he bumped his shoulder against mine, and walked away with the rest of them.  And just like that I was left alone in the library.  I take one more look at Rantaro's body and scoff.

"Pathetic." I mutter under my breath. 

*time skip*

     The trial has already started.  Shuichi was doing his thing with his detective shit.  I look over at his blabbering on and on about the blackened and whatever.  Without thinking I spoke up "I know who killed himmmm" I lie, dragging out the last word.  Maki turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Who did it?" She asked, but she knew I was lying

"Like I would ever tell you losers!" I yell and put my hands behind my head.  Everyone was just staring at me, I look around "What?" I ask.  Shuichi broke the silence once again.

"Kokichi.. If you know who killed him, why are you keeping it from us? Our lives are at risk right now!" Shuichi yelled at me.  I look over to him and place a finger over my lips

"Nee-hee-hee I know! But it's fun seeing you guys struggle to figure this out! Shuichi aren't you supposed to be the ultimate detective?"  I laughed.  And even though I wasn't looking I could feel everyone's eyes on me.  It made me feel uncomfortable.  So my first reaction was to fake cry.  "WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN!!! STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT!!!" I cried and screamed.  

*time skip*

We had all voted for Tsumugi (in this story Kaede is the mastermind) /me writing this at school and forgetting Tsumugi's execution so I try to look it up on youtube but it's blocked for mature content./

Ok anyways uh- I hope you enjoyed the first chapter- Also in this fanfic kaito, maki, shuichi, and kokichi are gonna be friends, and kaede is shuichi's gf but she's also the matermind- uh yes

word count: 672

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