Chapter 5

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     *Kokichi pov*

     "Really?" Kiibo asked, "That's great! I'm so proud you figured it out!"  He added

"E-eh? You're fine with me l-liking a boy?"  I asked, Kiibo nodded his head.  I sighed in relief.   We just kinda stood there in silence for a few moments.  Neither of us knew what to say.  Kiibo spoke, startling me a bit,

"We should go find Shuichi!"  my eyes widened and I got very nervous.  I shook my head.

"I'll just embarrass myself!"  Kiibo laughed

"No you won't! I'll be there with you to back you up."  

I gave in, "fine."

*time skip*

"Hey Shuichi"  Kiibo greeted him, I just waved awkwardly.  

"Hello!"  He said to Kiibo, but then he looked over at me and waved back.  I smiled like an idiot.

"Oh no! I forgot! I have to go help Gonta find bugs!"  Kiibo said, I panicked.  "See you two later"  He added before walking away.  And just like that I was left alone with Shuichi.  He took off his hat, and fixed his hair.  I could see his eyes so clearly!  They are so pretty, just like the rest of his face!  

"Uh.. Kokichi?"  Shuichi said, I broke out of my thoughts


"Co-could you please stop staring at me?"  He asked so politely.  I blushed,

"S-sorry I wasn't t-trying to!"  I quickly apologized.  Usually I wouldn't have done that, so why did I do it for Shuichi?  He laughed

"It's fine"  I could feel a tickling in my throat.  I had to cough.  I turned around and started to cough into my arm.  A few petals came out, I hid them up my sleeve.  I hope he didn't notice.  I turned back around, "You ok?" He asked, I nodded my head.

"Yeah I'm f-fine, just a little sick."  I said "Soooooo~ What do you have planned for you date with Kaede later?~"  I asked, he blushed a bit

"N-nothing too special, we're just gonna take a walk and have a picnic."  He seemed so nervous.  I could tell he was really in love with her.  

"Wow! I'm SOOOO jealous!" I said with obvious sarcasm.   He laughed.  "Anyways, I gotta go, I wanna go help Kiibo and Gonta with their stupid bug thing."  I lied, finding bugs sounded so boring, but I didn't wanna be alone with Shuichi much longer.  

"Alright, see you around!"  He smiled, my heart fluttered.  I waved and walked out of the room.  I headed to the library, it was quiet and relaxing there.  I could've gone to my room, but it's all the way across the school!  I don't wanna walk that far.  I enter the library.

My eyes widen, I felt like they were going to pop out of my head.  I saw Kaede and Miu, making out.  Kaede didn't even have a shirt on!  I quickly snapped a picture and laughed.  "Omigod wait until Shuichi sees this!"  They both looked right at me and gasped.  Kaede put her shirt back on, and ran over to me.  

"Please don't show him!"  She pleaded, I laughed.

"Get on your knees and beg, slut!"  I practically yelled.  She did it.  She got onto her knees and started begging me.  I laughed so hard!  "Omigod I can't believe you're actually that desperate!!"  She started to cry, I admit I did feel a little guilty.  But she deserved this.  I walked away.  

*time skip*

     I was laying in bed, and giggled to myself as I thought about what happened today.  I think I will blackmail her!  That seems like a good idea.  My throat started to tickle again.  I groaned and went over into the bathroom.  I coughed up 6 petals this time, a few had spots of blood on them.  I coughed more, 3 more petals come out, 2 of which were coated in blood.  Stage 2.  I washed the blood off of them and threw them away.  I laid back in bed and drifted off to sleep.  

*time skip*

     I woke up before my alarm clock today, I did not sleep well.  I got ready, for the day.  My whole body was in pain, but I was really hungry.  My clock read 5:27 am, so I would have to make something myself.  I unlocked my door and opened it.  I swear to you I thought I was dreaming when I saw Himiko's dead body outside my door.  I didn't know what to do.  There was only one person I could think of.  I tiptoed my way down the hall until I reached their door.  I knocked.  The door swung open.

Word count: 748

ok hi lol sorry if you like Himiko, I just didn't know who to kill off.  Also, yeah Kaede is a lesbian lmao-  And Miu is pansexual.  I might end up having them date but idk yet. ok thanks for reading, bye bye!

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